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Weekly Post-Processing Challenge - January 10, 2015

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<p>Been reading the Photoshop Elements book I got for Christmas, so trying some different things. For this, I selected the heads using the polygon lasso, then did a content-aware fill. This did a pretty decent job of removing the heads, but then I did a lot of cloning and painting to try to make it look seamless. Adjusted lighting and levels a bit, but not much. </p><div>00d48M-554043884.jpg.5c9e67f1b81529e055c9d814aa6bdb82.jpg</div>
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Cropped and BW processed in Photos app on iPad with the intention to get the essence of the picture with focus on the

man on his mobile phone. On this app I do not know how to change a particular area of the photo. Otherwise I would have increased the contrast on the man. Also, I can not resize the photo to make it directly visible in the thread contribution. Karl<div>00d49J-554048284.thumb.jpg.5e06b5f82a1576616f817fb91c50812f.jpg</div>

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<p>Some great work as usual. I enjoy seeing processing that tries to improve upon the shot as is as well as processing that takes it down a different path. Amazing how simply cropping the shot can create such variation. Keep 'em comin'.</p>

<p>I'm happy to say that Karl, in addition to being a new participant this week, has also volunteered to post next week's challenge on Saturday/Sunday, so there will be no weekly Wednesday solicitation. He has a shot he'd like some processing ideas on, and where better to get them than here. </p>

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