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Keeping images uniform

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<p>really, what is changing? if the white balance is set and exposure is constant, nothing changes.</p>

<p>I see lots of people put the camera on automatic and the exposure is all over the place when it doesnt need to be or shouldn't be. Nail the exposure and shoot.</p>

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<p>These photos were shot in a very controlled situation and post-processed in a very consistent way, probably a Lightroom preset or Photoshop action. The camera could be on automatic and would give the same results as long as the conditions aren't changing.<br>

<br />The problem in uniformity comes when the lighting isn't or can't be controlled and varies. </p>

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<p>If I'm doing a series of portraits or groups, for example weddings, I put the camera in manual and expose for the faces. That way the exposures are uniform, regardless of the clothing and accessories. That's also true for videos. where clothing and backgrounds have an unwanted influence on automatic exposure and white balance. When you have a lot of post processing to do, it's better to be consistent than dead right.</p>
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<p>I can't see the images for some reason, but be aware that Lightroom has a "Match Total Exposure" feature in the Develop module that will attempt to make the exposure the same for multiple images. It's not perfect, but it kinda works. Good luck.</p>
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<p>This isn't a direct response, but my question skin color rendition (10/24) asks a similar question.</p>


<p>Jeff Spirer's comment and Andrew Rodney's video in your original thread topic pretty much answers your question on whether color by the numbers for consistency is a useful and reliable method.</p>

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