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POTW 2/1/2015


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<p>It's just Sunday here. I'm up late with work and I need a break so I thought I'd start the POTW with a question for you all. I'm still a rookie when it comes to Photoshop. To be honest, short of cropping and a tweek or two on exposure I really don't like to do a lot of PS. <br>

So I am going to ask your opinion on the following two images. I was driving at night along Mungo Bush Garden road near Hawks Nest, New South Wales when I caught a bit of Golden Eyeshine. And there in a tree was a Common Ringtal Possom. The only problem was the eyeshine, it was bizzar. </p>

<p>In nature photography photography clubs typically there is a 'no-modification clause short or cropping and exposure tweaking, but all the contestants seem to do quite a bit of it and never seem to get disqualified, not that I would want to enter this image anyway. <br>

So I've had a go at changing the eye color; removing the eyeshine. I wanted y'alls opinion if I did it okay, or how I could improve on the change. Gotta learn somehow. Thanks!</p>

<p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17958176-lg.jpg" alt="" width="612" height="700" /><br>

Ringtail, Cropped, otherwise unmodified<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17958177-lg.jpg" alt="" width="571" height="700" /><br>

Cropped, Eyeshine removed in photoshop.</p>


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No, I actually used the softbrush. I zoomed way in and replaced them, pixel by pixel. I didn't even know about the red

eye tool.Sine the animal has a different eyeshine color, would it work? (Over the years I seem to have acquired quite a

collection of these types of images).

Thahs Harry. Look forward to seeing everything else today.



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<p>Here's a couple of my takes while visiting my hometown Kolkata, India.<br>

Pentax K-50 with Tamron 28-75/2.8<br>

<a title="The Acrobat by Anirban Banerjee, on Flickr" href=" The Acrobat src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8655/16430961471_eba30f6148_c.jpg" alt="The Acrobat" width="605" height="800" /></a></p>

<p><a title="Friendly Fights by Anirban Banerjee, on Flickr" href=" Friendly Fights src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8580/16419365605_6bfbd2ac6d_c.jpg" alt="Friendly Fights" width="800" height="526" /></a></p>

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<p>Douglas, I was going to suggest leaving the eyes alone on that shot but after looking at your fix I agree it looks better. But does it look accurate? Does that animal have pupils like that? If so then great job! If not I'd try to match how they normally look.<br />.<br />Our streak of nice sunsets continued into this week. Here's one from the Gunnison river near my house. <br />K-3 & DA* 16-50<br /><a title="IMGP2691-Edit by Matt Burt, on Flickr" href=" IMGP2691-Edit src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7313/16198692657_4da4a6b4ae_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2691-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a><br />.<br />Here's a friend of mine celebrating the opening of new terrain at the ski area on Friday. We could really use some more snow (send that Eastern snow this way!) but this newly opened steep terrain was pretty nice that day! It's probably all packed down and firm by now. <br />K-3 & DA* 16-50<br /><a title="IMGP2791-Edit by Matt Burt, on Flickr" href=" IMGP2791-Edit src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8576/15787568473_3aeb4e5981_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2791-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a><br />.<br />I shot some photos of a local XC ski race on Saturday. All ages participated and I thought this little guy with his dog was especially cute!<br />K-5 & DA* 60-250<br /><a title="IMGP2728 by Matt Burt, on Flickr" href=" IMGP2728 src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8671/16239275327_edd7a4fa9b_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2728" width="640" height="424" /></a></p>
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<p>running two jobs is not good for a photo-career,<br>

just as well I only do this for fun :)<br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/sized_IMGP7966_zpsdf650942.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="678" /><br>

<strong>going places</strong> (a concept picture rather, taken on the fly)<br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/sized_people_zpsfaa6a700.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="697" /><br>

<strong>all the lonely people,,,,</strong> (lennon/mcartney) <br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/be0c545e-4ca9-4c85-8b44-1d0bb00a44a0_zps988cfaba.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="681" /><br>

<strong>cute robin</strong> (taken from my chair by the woodstove)</p>


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