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A 365 day thread

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No April Fool joke that sticky disappearing. I didn't have much luck getting it back myself but another moderator gave me a suggestion that worked. Sort of had to back door it in. It should now stay for the rest of the year. I hope.


BTW, I had an April Fool photo prepared involving the sky and a flying saucer (or maybe just a photo of the sky where the flying saucer used to be) but Robin beat me in posting a photo for the day. Too bad. Maybe next year. Robin's photo is a lot better anyway. Great color.

James G. Dainis
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<p>Great bird shot, Q.G. <br>

James- next year we should start an April 1st (April Fools') thread. Might be fun. I usually play one or two April 1st jokes on my classes that I teach, but haven't made many photo's worthy of that. My kids (a year later) are still talking about the ham spread (with cat food label) joke that I pulled on my Biology class last year. Should've taken a picture.</p>

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<p>For today, a favorite restaurant that my wife and I only get to visit rarely. This one's in Flowood MS (just outside Jackson) although there is another one about the same distance away from us in Memphis. I was just finishing up a roll of Fuji Reala in my Rollei B35 and decided on the building for the last photo. Getting difficult to find 1 hour processing as the Walgreen's in the next town is on their last batch of chemistry. After that it's mail order of DIY.</p><div>00dDZ7-556064384.jpg.e9a85f13dbfa417b9e0210a71651c4d9.jpg</div>
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<p>A switch in camera and modes of transport. The camera is an Olympus 35RC - with Ilford XP2.</p>

<p><a title="35RC_Honda_Scrambler by Andrew Yue, on Flickr" href=" 35RC_Honda_Scrambler src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8801/17027072486_d2ccd46c18_o.jpg" alt="35RC_Honda_Scrambler" width="587" height="900" /></a></p>

<p><strong>Private Transport - A Honda Scrambler</strong></p>

Best Regards - Andrew in Austin, TX
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<p>Hello everyone....finally beat the Down Under guys for the date!! The 4x5 love affair is heating up again. The addition of the MOD54 developing system is great. I load the film (dark room), and presoak with the mixing rod installed. It only takes about 30 seconds to really secure the top and from there on it's just like a Nikor, so the same inversion sequence is maintained just like the MF or 35mm negs. This offering is from a recent excursion into Puget Sound. Film is 400Tmax @ 250, Weston V & 510-Pyro @ 22 minutes. Enjoy, Bill</p><div>00dEFF-556219084.jpg.6ddb59da3e704c520b2b7fc7ac2da951.jpg</div>
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<p>Before April 12 gets away from us, I'll post an image. This one is from a roll of Arista EDU 100 shot in my Konica Auto S2 a couple of months ago. This one is filtering to the extreme as I used a red (#25) filter. For ordinary picture taking on a sunny day with blue skies I would normally use a light yellow or deep yellow.</p><div>00dEWW-556265584.jpg.7f93edf47f60987bb679ab4fe65c6dba.jpg</div>
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