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Retina IIc has a fault?

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I don't agree that it's an attribute, but still I have a valid question: Did Kodak realize their attribute was a problem and fix it?


David Burnett missed a sure Pulitzer photo because his Leica rewound very slowly. If that isn't a problem, I don't know one.


But anyway, thanks for the classic New England response.

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<p>Joking aside, Royall, have you checked your camera's rewind knob shaft and film transport sprocket to see if they require lubrication? After all, the last Retina IIc was made over 55 years ago. If the camera is empty, open the back and check the movement of the transport sprocket in both directions, advance and rewind. I presume you pulled the rewind knob up to the first stop before rewinding your film.</p>
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The IIc is also a 1:1 wind. The knob is small also, which deprives you of any mechanical advantage. I have on occasion opened the camera and ruined film because I thought the rewind HAD to be over.


But I love that camera anyway.


Hey Gordon, LOL


Why, Brian, some of my best friends are from New England. They keep me aware of my moral failings.

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