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Epson 4990 Won't Scan!

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<p>Hey All-<br>

So... My 4990 won't scan film (as you can probably tell from the subject of this post), BUT... It WILL scan documents. When I scan film, it won't preview regardless of software (or computer for that matter), and EPSONScan tells me it can't even find an image to preview! Has anyone had this happen to them before? I stopped using the scanner for about a year and then when I go back to use it again this happens. Prior to that I was using it a lot, same methods same practices etc... Do you think its a software issue or the scanner itself is toast?</p><div>00d7EP-554755484.thumb.jpg.60148d30dd0826cba065c40887112321.jpg</div>

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<p>Yes I also have the same problem with my 4990 after not using it for some time, i can't see how not using it could cause a problem but mine went the same way.<br>

I blame mine on a burned out florescent light tube for the film scanner but have not done any testing or tried to repair. <br>

I did a quick search (quite some time ago now) and the only repair i found was replacing the light tube meant replacing the whole light head assembly which at the time was more expensive than a new scanner.<br>

I still have not replaced the scanner yet, and wonder if another scanner is the way to go, or getting a good macro lens and "scan" with a digital camera, i have a 4/3 olympus.<br>

looking forward to other responces as well....</p>


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<p>Hey guys-<br>

Yes I'm using a film holder... What is a transparency unit? Theres a power supply and a USB and a 3rd plug that is securely connected at the rear. When I say that I stopped using it I meant that it has literally sat in the same location and configuration that I had it in the last time I used it, and I've don'e a ton of scans w/ it in the past. I attached at pic to the initial post which may shed some light as to what the problem may be.</p>

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<p>I cannot read a pertinent thing from your screen shot.<br>

The transparency unit is built into the lid. It has a cover that slips into slots that provides a white background for documents which must be removed for transparency scanning. The transparency unit is the 3rd plug on the back of the scanner.<br>

<strong>Go to Epson's web site, download the newest software for your scanner and operating system. </strong>Uninstall the current scanner software, run a registry cleaning program such as Advanced System Care free from http://www.iobit.com/ or Ccleaner free from http://download.cnet.com/CCleaner/ both are very good and will not harm your system.<br>

Install the new software.<br>

Your Epson scan box should look similar to the attached screen shot. The document type box must say film or transparency depending on the version of your software.</p>

<p>As a last resort download and install Vuescan, http://www.hamrick.com/ , and run in trial mode just to see if the scanner will work in transparency mode.</p><div>00d7Fy-554758984.jpg.c184a2cd31fa54f86cb08c1165c62998.jpg</div>

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<p>Well to all I do have an update: When I took the negs out of the holder and put them directly onto the scanner glass the scanner performed like it should. I guess it all of a sudden doesn't like my MF holder... Bizarre. And Alan yes I am familiar with the software I've used it in professional mode many many times in the past this issue recently presented itself and I've no idea why does not like my film holder suddenly.</p>
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