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Sunday musings: if you had to own one camera from each decade, starting from the 1920s

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<p>I got the idea from a party invitation last year. It was a '60s party, so everyone was asked to dress for that decade. I had a '60s camera, a Praktica, and was looking forward to using it, but alas I couldn't go. Anyway, that got me thinking, maybe I should have one camera from each decade. So, here is my list to start with, and I look forward to seeing (and being surprised by) yours:</p>

<p>1920s: Leica 1</p>

<p>1930s: Zeiss Contax I</p>

<p>1940s: Leica IIIc</p>

<p>1950s: Nikon SP</p>

<p>1960s: Leica M4</p>

<p>1970s: Contax RTS</p>

<p>1980s: Canon New F-1</p>

<p>1990s: Hasselblad 500 Classic (special issue of 500 C/M)</p>

<p>2000-10: Leica M7</p>

<p>2000-10 (digital, early): Fuji S2 Pro</p>

<p>2000-10 (digital, later): Leica DMR</p>

<p>Edit: Of course I'd love for them to be all Leicas, but I like variety. :-)</p>

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<p>I'm a bit weak in the pre WW2 field.<br>

My oldest is a 13x18cm wooden flatbed Reisekamera offering just lens shifting movements wise, dated around 1910, semi converted to use tin plate holders with film sheats.<br>

1920s: a Voigtländer Bergheil 6.5x9cm + fishy roll holder. (works)<br>

30s: My Leica II is a red dial - too new? /Voigtländer Brillant - too old?<br>

40s: Voigtländer Vito<br>

Somewhat tempting stuff on the shopping list: A Graflex 4x5" SLR or even a "Bertha" 5x7" sports SLR. I wouldn't mind a Contax (Kiev) with Olympia Tessar rig either and could be tempted by a Deardorff smaller than 8x10", if there were some.<br>

1950s till present are covered with my (supposed to be) user cameras. - I'm not really lusting after anything else in the film (only) field, but wouldn't mind buying a recipient for a heaven sent digiback...</p>

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Wet dream cameras you ask?



1920s late. Stereo Rolleidoscope. Medium format stereo with roll film back. Wish I had one of them guys.



1929-1932 Gold plated Luxus Leica with gold plated Stereoly beam splitter. No, on the other hand I couldn't afford to insure or store this rare Leica. But it is elegantly beautiful; only 94 were made of the camera body in lizard skin and are likely in vaults in Germany or Saudi Arabia or Argentina(?).


1940-1950, Linhof Technica 6X9 Field Camera with ergonomic grip, tilts and shifts and of course Schneider or Zeiss lenses..........Robot motorized 35mm or single frame camera and lenses of the German makers


1950s. Leica M series with Stemar Stereo attachment made in Canada for Leitz. Also the Realist Macro Stereo Camera.


Tomorrow or soon: A custom German RBT stereo rig to shoot 3-D images for UHD TV display. Cameron has one, ergo why not go for the best....Fuji W3d model is not adjustable enough in light of other modern brands and does not inspire camera lust. I could live with a Leica MF digital or their latest M model maybe. With lenses of course, that is their prize. Hard to dissect and vivisect and lash two Leicas together but not impossible.


Okay. There. See I am not all that picky:-) Gerry (two eyed anthropocene critter) Siegel

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