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Pushing to 800 in Efke FR-16 Developer


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I need to figure out (quickly, unfortunately) which of the following

B&W films I can push to ~800 in FR-16. I have neither access to other

developers nor time to experiment. The film options are:


- Efke 400 (but FR-16 is not recommended for pushing this film)

- Orvo Pan 400

- Kodak "Academy" 200 (film sheet lists pushing options all the way to

3200, but only for D-76, T-Max and HC-110)

- Kodak Plus-X (I know, I know -- don't laugh)

- Agfa 400 (I *think* I can get this tomorrow, but I'm not sure)


I recall reading somewhere that FR-16 developer is "essentially the

same" as another more commonly available developer, but I can't find

the reference.


I would very much appreciate any speedy assistance. Thanks

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You should be able to push any of them to 800- the question is, what will the results be like??? More to the point, is that extra stop of speed worth using an unknown film/ developer combination?


If so, pick a film, shoot it, and do the testing later. Expose an extra roll with identical frames all shot at 800, cut it up in the darkroom and start developing at different times.


Do you have developing times for normal developing for any of these films with this developer? I only find the developer mentioned two or three places on the internet, and not in combination with this film. I see it used for the slower Efke films and for Efke papers.


I see on one website that the Efke 400 speed film is repackaged Ilford HP5+, if that helps any.

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