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POTW august 31 2014


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<p>Can I have the honor of starting this weeks harvest ?<br />Sure hope nobody got scared after last weeks discussion ?<br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/5020w_zpseff9cd78.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="678" /><br>

<strong>imperfect (but to me still impressive) picture of a fly</strong><br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/0519w_zpsa8ab8b9d.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="672" /><br>

<strong>the toilet door in the evening, </strong>shutter Speed: 6 sec F-Number: F2,8 ISO: 100<br>


<strong><img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/1314w_zps9761c642.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="678" /></strong><br>

<strong>past grandeur, in a fav post-processing style</strong></p>

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<p>Hi all, another great POTW thread last week. Thanks to all who posted for sharing your captures from the week. I used to be very active in the Pentax Forum on Photo.net and life got in the way for a few years and am happy to have found my way back. Thanks for the chuckle last week Howard. I am a HUGE LOTR fan. My kids have grown up reading the books as well before being allowed to watch the movies. We have a in-house rule; book first, movie second. Matt - my images were HDR (5 bracketed photos each) that were put fused in Photomatrix which Guus (Dorus?) introduced me to. I'm still experimenting with the software.<br>

My 3 favourites from last week (in no particular order) were: Matt's - "Close to the Summit", Doug's - "Remarkable Rocks" and Dorus's - "Coming & Going". <br>

Here are three shots from "The Rock" (that's what we locals call this island). The first was taken by my 9 year old son who; selected his shooting location and scene, set up the tripod and K-5, adjusted everything to his liking and shot the following image in Aperture Priority:</p><div>00cnZ8-550816384.jpg.8393dda69620403ae4b559a8fd7a6079.jpg</div>

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<p>Hi All.</p>

<p>I've been out this weekend so a little late to the ball. Some more images here from South Australia:</p>

<p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17819266-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="444" /><br>

Western Grey Kangaroo, Kangaroo Is. K3 (I think I used the 55-300 on this one)</p>

<p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17819274-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="451" /><br>

Kangaroo Is Sunset (K3, 55-300)<br>

I already shared this one over at Nature, but I just about killed myself to get this photo so I'll double post here too.<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17819265-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="382" /><br>

Giant Cuttlefish South Australia near Whyalla. Pentax W3</p>


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<p>Good stuff here this week, I'll comment more on it later. <br>


Our central intersection from the roof of my office building. I was trying to catch lightning earlier and couldn't get any. Then I snapped this and got some in the distance by accident!<br>

K-3 & DA* 16-50/2.8<br>

<a title="IMGP8969-Edit by Matt Burt, on Flickr" href=" IMGP8969-Edit src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5586/14892737798_efbac2d604_z.jpg" alt="IMGP8969-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a><br>


I shot more bike racing this week, this time a local more casual race. But still a huge 130 Miles with lots of vertical including that infamous muddy Kebler pass which was dry this time. <br>

K-5 & DA* 60-250<br>

<a title="IMGP2171 by Matt Burt, on Flickr" href=" IMGP2171 src="https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3897/14915743100_3e1114407c_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2171" width="424" height="640" /></a><br>


This was a nice fog bank sitting in a river valley as I waited for racers. <br>

K-5 & DA* 60-250<br>

<a title="IMGP1624-Edit by Matt Burt, on Flickr" href=" IMGP1624-Edit src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5559/15104856951_c0455ba305_z.jpg" alt="IMGP1624-Edit" width="640" height="424" /></a></p>

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<p>Doug,<br /> I'm sure they won't be firing "missiles" from the silos. The beer brewed in them is too profitable. Besides it tastes too good also. I'm sure Matt has seen plenty of missile silos in Colorado with all of the breweries located in his state.<br /> Thanks Howard.</p>
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