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MOIRE - K5 IIs and K3 owners


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<p>How does Moire affect your decision to take a certain picture and how do you deal with it in general once it is on a picture ? I mean do you avoid taking pictures of certain subjects for fear Moire will appear on them ? What happens when Moire appears in one of your pictures. Do you quickly hit the Delete button, or do you try to fix it in Photoshop. <br>

The other day I was out with my camera, a Canon 30D with 8 megapixels, anti-alias filter and all and I decided to take a picture of a house with aluminum siding. I took about 8 pictures of this house from the same spot, but at different angles. For some reason some pictures showed moire while others did not. Also after downloading the pictures, if I increased the sharpening moire would begin appearing on the pictures sans-moire and if I decreased the sharpening the moire would decrease, but not totally go away. <br>

Another time I took pictures of my sons graduation. After downloading some of the pictures I could clearly see Moire on his graduation robe. Not sure how it got there but I do remember applying a lot of edits including sharpening to these pictures. Removing the moire was hell ! I spent a good part of weekend working on getting it out. </p>

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<p>With the vast majority of my subjects, I haven't found moire to be a problem. If you are using Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom v4+, there are tools and procedures that can help you to remove moire, and many tutorials to that effect if you Google for them. There are also several tutorials on the web regarding avoiding moire e.g., change distance to subject, change angle, slight change in focus point, or stopping down the aperture and allowing diffraction to assist (if you don't need shallow DOF). </p>
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<p>I haven't noticed any moire yet on my K-3. I shoot mostly landscapes but also people doing things in them like mountain biking or rafting. I've also done some portraits. I only turned on the AA simulator once to check it out when the camera was new. </p>
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