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Anybody have experience with the Pacific Image ImageBox MF and 120 color negatives?

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<p>I would like to start shooting 120 film. <br>

My current practice (35mm negs) is to get everything developed and cut. No prints or contact sheets.<br>

Then, I use a no-name Chinese made film scanner (CMOS) to view the negatives and figure out what, if anything, I want to print. This is fine for black and white but terrible for color, as the scanner I use only has 5MP resolution, outputs to jpeg, and has very inconsistent color casts. (When I started, I thought the color cast was no big deal, but now it makes me kind of crazy. I can hardly stand to look at my color stuff). <br>

I'd like to do a similar thing with 120 using the <strong>Pacific Image ImageBox MF scanner</strong>. My hesitation is that it only has <strong>9MP</strong> resolution and only produces jpegs. I'm worried that I'll end up with files that I can't color correct because there's not enough data. <br>

Has anyone used this scanner and/or am I just not good enough with post processing? (I use GIMP not Photoshop)<br>

Thanks,<br />Marcus</p>

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<p>I've never used that unit, but for web viewing it would probably be ok, if you can deal with Jpeg output only. But for almost the same amount of money you can get a pretty decent flatbed scanner that will probably do a much better job. I currently use an Epson v600 for 35mm and 120. It's no drum scanner, but it does a pretty decent job. Although, I should probably mention that I've only scanned a small amount of 120 and it was at low resolution (600ppi) for web viewing. If budget is an issue, you can look at used or refurbished units. You can get a refurbished v600 directly from Epson for $145 <a href="http://www.epson.com/cgi-bin/Store/jsp/Product.do?sku=B11B198011-N&ref=sem_us-cse-google-shopping&wm_ctID=475&wm_kwID=58407985&wm_mtID=234&wm_kw=Google+Shopping&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=shopping+portal&utm_term=google+shopping&utm_campaign=us+-+cse+-+google+shopping&zmam=71433176&zmas=1&zmac=1&zmap=B11B198011-N&gclid=CKvv-5v_nr4CFYtAMgodIzwAIw&gclsrc=aw.ds"><strong>(link)</strong></a>. Canon also makes some scanners that are reportedly pretty decent, but I've not used any of them.</p>
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<p>The Pacific Image looks like the usual lo-res "camera-in-a-box" scanner with a bigger price tag and all the same problems as the cheapies. For 150 bucks you could get a negative/slide-capable Canon or Epson. The Epson V500/600 are worth a serious look.</p>
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<p>Cory, have you done a lot of color negatives with the V600? Is color decent? I don't need print quality--these are just my substitutes for proof sheets. (Do people even bother with proof sheets for 120? (I'm a noob, so...well, I don't know?)<br>

Also, how fast is it? How many 120 negs can you do at a time. I was under the impression it is one a time. This made me think of the V700 because it can do 3 at a time...for 3 times the cost, of course. <br>


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<p>Sorry it took so long to get back to you Marcus, I've been away from the net for the last couple of days. I believe the V600 uses the same slide holders as the V700. It does 3 6x6 cm negs at a time. I've not done any color 120, only 35mm. I never really paid much attention to the color straight from the scanner, since I usually process my scans immediately afterwards. You can make adjustments to the colors when yu scan, but I never bothered with this, preferring to make my adjustments in post. I rarely shoot much color nowadays. Mostly black and white that I develop at home. Speed is dependent on the resolution you scan the negatives at. Scanning 35mm at 2400 ppi is quite slow. I usually start cloning out dust on the first image while the rest are still scanning, so its not that big of a deal for me. The 600 ppi 6x6 scans took about as long as the smaller negatives at higher rez. </p>
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