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Camera insurance


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<p>I'm looking for advice on the best way to insure my camera gear. I do landscape photography and sell occasional prints every few months. I don't have a business, but at the same time, I'm not a 100% hobbyist. That rules out having a home insurance policy rider (with Safeco) as they refuse to cover you if you make even a dollar from photography. I've looked at Square Trade and they've gotten bad/suspect reviews on reseller ratings. I also looked at PPA and they're expensive, especially if you factor in the $250 deductible. <br>

Any suggestions? Thanks.</p>

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<p>I would agree $250 deductible is low. </p>

<p>Whatever policy you get, make sure you read it first, especially the sections on what's not covered. </p>

<p>Photo.net used to, may still offer insurance on here - however, in order to file a claim, you have to have a police report and there has to be signs of a physical break in in order to file a claim. That means if your gear is stolen at gun point on the street, you're out of luck. If a housekeeper at a hotel steals your gear, you're out of luck. If a thief using a slim jim gets into your car without breaking a window and steals your gear, you're out of luck.</p>

<p> </p>

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