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Canon Thursday 2014, #21

Robin Smith

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<p><strong><em>Important</em></strong><em>:</em> please keep your image under 700 pixels wide/high for in-line viewing, and <em><strong>please try to keep the FILE SIZE UNDER 300kb</strong></em>. Note that <strong>this includes photos hosted off-site </strong>(at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc).<br /><br /> Are you <strong>new to this thread</strong>? The general guidelines for these Thursday threads are <a href="/canon-eos-digital-camera-forum/00X9hq" rel="nofollow"><strong>right here</strong> </a>. Remember: only 3 images each week!</p>


<p>Welcome to EOS week 21. Show us your favorite shot of the week. I'll start with a shot taken at an open air art center.</p><div>00cbCs-548466284.jpg.6dc87a0363d01e502e3cca87b4666c91.jpg</div>

Robin Smith
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<p>Not sure whether these are the St. Louis participants, but the New Shanghai Circus also performed.</p>

<p>The Mayor and other St. Louis notables were in the front row.</p>

<p>I was not.</p><div>00cbD1-548466584.jpg.969ebc5da97a0380cc6fbf51ca2cce57.jpg</div>

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<p>I was in Washington, DC last week to attend my daughter's graduation and awarding of her master's degree. I decided to keep photo gear to a minimum on this trip, taking only an EOS M with the 18-55mm and 22mm lenses. This was my first extended use of the camera and, despite it's lackluster reviews (mostly involving AF speed), I found I really like this little camera; very compact, lightweight, and great IQ from my point of view. As a further aside and comment on build quality, I dropped the 22mm about 3 feet onto a marble floor with no damage whatsoever. Impressive. Anyway, please forgive the narrative, here's an evening photo from the National Mall.</p><div>00cbD3-548467584.jpg.f9a6077ed9b3daf1c5b38e6074eb98a2.jpg</div>
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<p>This week's offering comes from the Royal Windsor Horse Show<br>

All taken with a 7D+70-200/2.8 IS<br>

<a title="Royal Windsor Horse show 2014 by Pete Meade, on Flickr" href=" Royal Windsor Horse show 2014 src="https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2918/14007277117_4b413336dc_c.jpg" alt="Royal Windsor Horse show 2014" width="800" height="533" /></a><br /><a title="Royal Windsor Horse show 2014 by Pete Meade, on Flickr" href=" Royal Windsor Horse show 2014 src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7335/14190597331_33c95344fe_c.jpg" alt="Royal Windsor Horse show 2014" width="800" height="533" /></a><br /><a title="Royal Windsor Horse show 2014 by Pete Meade, on Flickr" href=" Royal Windsor Horse show 2014 src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5159/14193829984_65ce0a0b27_c.jpg" alt="Royal Windsor Horse show 2014" width="800" height="533" /></a></p>

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<p>The Bolivar Lighthouse as seen from across Galveston Bay at dawn.<br /> T2i EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM 1/320 ISO 400 F/11<br /> <img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-dbDJ67GpoQc/Uyn-zafF9zI/AAAAAAAABlQ/p3qQyPQkH4s/s640/IMG_2934.JPG" alt="" /></p>

<p>Even thistles look good in the Spring.<br /> T2i EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM ISO 200 1/250sec F/4.5<br /> <img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-2c5ksYknmxA/U1gtOm3WEBI/AAAAAAAACZE/zE6kjpKEHbs/s640/IMG_4869.JPG" alt="" width="640" height="531" /></p>

<p>In the present drought down here this gets a lot of use.<br>

6D EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM ISO 400 1/250sec F/5.6<br>

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-z2Kr0GV5IL0/U2vwuLJXQ-I/AAAAAAAACsA/TXR5o3p-3U4/s640/IMG_1479.JPG" alt="" /></p>

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<p>Wade Keenon - yes, I too am an EOS-M lover. I haven't picked up my 7D in weeks since I got the M. They are still selling for peanuts everywhere. I'm tempted to pick up a second simply as a backup. The AF may not be the world's fastest but after the firmware update/fix most user concerns should be vanquished. </p>

<p>Nice shot btw!</p>

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<p>mom and two chicks from monday afternoon.....went out tuesday morning to cut the grass and all three were gone......i'm guessing a great horned owl that lives nearby or more likely stinkin' raccoons</p><div>00cbFP-548480184.jpg.2b0281cf739cc5d9b63b8cc395c2e189.jpg</div>
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<p>I’m actually home for a few days because I had jury duty, but here are three photos from my last trip. We caught a good deal and had three days off in Palau, which is a small nation in Micronesia about 500 miles east of the Philippines.<br>


I know real photographers aren’t supposed to shoot sunsets, but I still do.</p><div>00cbFc-548481584.jpg.305ad69f5821d61ba514b5d10200fd84.jpg</div>

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<p>I’m breaking the rules here because I shot this with an underwater point & shoot. We took a snorkel tour one day and stopped at Jellyfish Lake, which is a small, saltwater lake filled with millions of jellyfish that have evolved to have lost their stingers. It was pretty amazing.<br>


Here’s a link to a short movie I made of Jellyfish Lake: http://vimeo.com/95896813</p><div>00cbFd-548481684.jpg.3a7521b734c30966639ac365fc3c2ec1.jpg</div>

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<p>We also took a day tour to the island of Peleliu. If you're a Marine, you know all about it. On September 15, 1944 the First Marine Division landed on Peleliu in a controversial effort to capture the airfield and therefore protect MacArthur's right flank as he invaded the Philippines later that year. The Marines were told the operation would take four days but it lasted over two months. Both the Marines and the Army’s 81<sup>st</sup> Infantry Division that joined them later suffered terrible casualties, as did the Japanese defenders. Some historians claim it was the most vicious battle of the Pacific war.<br>


It was hard to select just one image to represent all the artifacts still left on Peleliu, but here’s a bullet still lodged in the breach of a .50 caliber machine gun that was in the wreckage of a crashed US Navy TBF Avenger torpedo bomber buried in the jungle.</p><div>00cbFe-548481784.jpg.93faf5ad3f80a24673eab0b96296f0c4.jpg</div>

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<p>Three great images, Dave. I forgive the non-EOS pic. :) I'd love to someday visit the Pacific battlefields. I have long been a student of the Imperial Japanese Navy and find it all pretty interesting even today.</p>

<p>Speaking of war, next month is the 100th anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which triggered World War One. Any p.netters in Sarajevo?</p>

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