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Baby gray rolleiflex shutter


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<p>Hi...I've recently turned 57 years old and my very thoughtful girlfriend gave me a baby gray rolleiflex from 1957 she picked up from Ebay. Ya gotta love a gal that buys you a new toy from the same year you were born.<br /> The camera looks to be so new/unused, I can't tell if any film has ever been ran through it...so that tells me it may have been sitting in a closet for a few decades.<br /> So here's the thing...I can't get the shutter to release/depress no matter what I try and the info on the net isn't helping, so I thought I'd ask the experts here. Is it possible to dry fire the "baby" to see if the shutter works or is it quite possibly frozen?<br /> Thank you in advance for any help with this baby.</p><div>00ckV6-550256884.jpg.a776e86ce5916327de36f4c39753b5c7.jpg</div>
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<p>I have a theory that the guy who designed this camera did so on his last day before retirement and then spent his pensioner years incessantly cackling at the thought of the thousands of phone calls to the Franke & Heidecke company which it would generate.<br>

On this camera, the shutter will not fire … UNTIL you open the viewfinder. Similarly, you cannot change the VXM (self-timer, electronic flash., bulb flash) setting UNLESS you push in the little button underneath the front of the camera. The Baby Rollei is AFAIK the only Rollei model with these features - why? Don't ask me!</p>


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<p>Nice photo of the top of the camera but it tells <strong>nothing</strong> about the shutter or the state it is currently in. The shutter is what the lower, taking, lens is in. It is likely a Compur, Compur Rapid, or Synchro Compur. It should set (cock) and trip regardless of the film state as there does not appear to be a synced film advance lever. If there is a numbered dial next to the film advance there may be a lockout preventing accidental double exposures but if there is a film frame window in the back then it is unlikely to have a double exposure lockout.<br>

Please post a picture of the front of the camera showing all controls.</p>

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<p>Holy macaroni and cheese! I read you response...picked up my camera, which just so happens to be sitting next to me, opened the viewfinder, pushed the shutter release and a smile appeared on my face.<br>

I do hope that the individual that came up with the design of this baby had years and years of chuckles...<br>

Thanks very much David for sharing this valuable information. Time to start running a few rolls of fill through the camera. </p>

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<p>David made his post while I was typing mine. I would never have thought of a view hood lockout.<br>

Many TLR's have a sports finder function with the view hood, does this one?</p>

<p>Check the shutter at 1 second and 1/2 second speeds, first trip after a few hours of non use, against the second hand of a clock or watch. A sweep second hand works best. Trip the shutter as the second hand reaches a second mark and observe when the shutter closes. The second hand width either side of the next second mark is in tolerance at 1 second and half the width of the second hand at the mid point between two second marks for 1/2 second. If the shutter speeds are off at these speeds all others will be off also. Have the shutter serviced if it is off and you plan to use the camera.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>This camera does indeed have the sports finder. I'll do as you suggest and check the shutter timing first thing tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll take the camera in for a general cleaning because I do plan on using the "baby" instead of lugging my RZ 6x7 around when I want to shoot film on locations.</p>
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