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503 Service Unavailable.......?! Mac OS X 10,5.8


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<p><strong>503 Service Unavailable.</strong><br>

<strong>No Server is available to handle this request.</strong><br>

I getting this message in the last moths, more and more time, searching my images, try to remove some of my image, try to remove a whole image folder, or, adding new images.<br>

Trying view images in a folder, 1, 2, 3, 5, . . . . 6,7 and suddenly get the message;<br>

<strong>504 Gateway Tome-out.</strong><br>

<strong>The Server didn't responded in time.</strong> <br>

Managed to remove, delete some of my image folders in my site, but unable to remove the last two image folders, getting this messages all the time.<br>

I all ready posted a comment in the forum of this problem, but never get a response from the administrators or anybody else.<br>

The problem exists <strong>only on PN</strong>, never any other photo web site or anywhere else, regardless haw hard I try to abuse the computer or web pages etc.<br>

Would, somebody, please, respond to this posting..........!?<br>

B.L. Molnar</p>

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<em><strong>503 Service Unavailable</strong></em><br>

<em><strong>No server is available to handle this request</strong></em><br>

I forgot to mention, after those messages, I'm unable to go back to PN for 10 to 30 minutes and has to shoot down the internet to get excess to PN again.<br>

Something is very bad with PN, nobody responding from PN, and I'm all ready preparing to quit of PN entirely.</p>

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