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Monday in Nature Weekly Photo Dec. 30, 2013

Laura Weishaupt

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<p ><strong >Basic Guidelines</strong>: Nature based subject matter. Please, declare captive subjects. Keep your image at/under 700 pixels on the long axis for in-line viewing and try to keep file size under 300kb. Note that this includes photos hosted off-site at Flicker, Photobucket, your own site, etc. Do you have a series of great shots to compliment your post? Please, tell us where they are so we can see them.</p>

<p ><em >In the strictest sense, nature photography should not include hand of man elements. Try to minimize man made elements, keep the focus on nature, and let common sense be your guide. <strong >Let's make this a true Photo of the Week and only post 1 image per week.</strong></em></p>


<p>New Anno Salutem,<br>

Soon we'll hang up a new calendar and wave farewell to another year. I hope you've had a good year in every aspect of life. Hopefully the next will bring the things in life that you wish and work for. Was it a good photography year for you? Being in nature is such a complete experience, but made more so with a trusty camera, and still better with a good companion.</p>

<p>I'm opening with a photo that was published this year. It was a first for me, and very exciting. From documenting fungal survey work to on-line photographic trail guides, photography has been an important part of my life. Surely one of the best photographic efforts this year has been getting together with all of you each week right here. This alone has pushed me to be better at the art and craft of nature photography. You all teach me more than you will ever know. Thanks for all your help. I look forward to the future here, learning about and seeing what nature has to offer from a wonderful community of gifted photographers.</p>

<p>Best Wishes and Happy New Year. Lets do some celebrating here at Monday in Nature.</p><div>00cGrm-544535584.JPG.a2bdc2d18adc539bc94f6bcee0c1442b.JPG</div>

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<p>Last Monday this year. Where does time go? Happy New Year to you, Laura and to all of our fellow photographers. </p>

<p>Trying out a new lens or camera body brings with it challenges one must overcome to get comfortable. Exploring those unique differences makes it a learning experience, even for those more seasoned in the photography realm. Photography, in general, has that effect on me. I continue to learn from those here and elsewhere and have come to appreciate the differences in style as much as the differences in gear. Best wishes in the New Year, everyone!</p>

<p> </p><div>00cGrt-544535684.jpg.08b7da415d64531b89088d8ea173ca61.jpg</div>

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<p>Well the new year brings a new lens with it for me. I upgraded my long lens and am looking forward to putting it through it's paces. My initial impression is pretty good. Here's one of my first pictures taken with it.<br>


<a href="/photo/17630741"><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17630741-md.jpg" alt="" /></a><br>


Best wishes for the coming year to everybody. </p>

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<p>Went whale watching in Monterey Bay (California) just before Christmas. We saw some whales but the most interesting image I captured was this sea lion leaping out of the ocean.</p>

<p>Nikon D7100 with 80-400mm AF-S VR lens @ 230mm, f5.6, 1/1600 sec and ISO 400.</p><div>00cGtD-544538184.jpg.f1c223cf31ed02a398536b896c42c566.jpg</div>

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<p>This one was taken 20 minutes ago through the window beside this desk. I used the Nikon D800E with a 50mm 1.4 lens. (perhaps I should have opened the window...) I did manage to get outside with it earlier this week after a heavy snowfall but I like this shot just as much.<br>

Shun, I love that shot! Congratulations. (...and you gave me good advice this year regarding this body as a replacement for the D700. I am now almost over my D2x ;)<br>

All the best in the new year to you all.</p><div>00cGvl-544542284.jpg.9a6ec1751507c1a9db801ddb8aaa082f.jpg</div>

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<p>I'm driving back inland from a trip along California's coastline with my visiting nephews and brother. One of the highlighs was a whalewatching cruise off Santa Barbara, where the whales were not exactly cooperative and I missed all the jumps - but I like this particular shot of cruising dolphins:</p>


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<p>Great shots to close out the year. I always enjoy looking even when I don't post anything.<br>

This is a hawk I spotted the other day. I couldn't get an angle that wasn't busy with branches. <br>

<img src="http://akgosdenphotos.smugmug.com/Other/Birds-and-Animals/i-JZnqFhz/0/700x700/Hawk-0187-700x700.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<strong>Canon XSi, Tamron 70-300 vc @ 300mm, f/9, 1/500s, iso 1600</strong></p>

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<p>I guess I had not been searching around photo.net enough and decided to check out the nature area. Beautiful images folks. On Sunday the 29th my wife and I headed to the San Luis National Wildlife refuge and spotted this guy. We watched each other a while before he continued on his hunt and we continued on our way.</p><div>00cH4f-544563384.jpg.07f6a07fac9fc8fa7fce1ee33519301d.jpg</div>
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