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schneider kreuznach conponon f5.6 80mm in a synchro compur shutter


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<p>The Componon is an enlarging lens, more-or-less a Symmar (plasmat type) optimized for enlarging 10x, recommended range of enlargements 8x - 12x. When used as a taking lens, closeup from 1:8 - 1: 10. Schneider sold them in shutter for use as taking lenses for closeup work, but not too close.</p>

<p>Schneider's Comparon is another enlarging lens, more or less a Xenar (tessar type) optimized for enlarging 4x, recommended range of enlargements 2x - 6x. Schneider also sold them in shutter for use as taking lenses for closeup work, closer than Componons.</p>

<p>An 80 mm lens is a bit short for closeup work on 4x5, can be used on 2x3. The two lenses I use for closeup and macro (~ 1:5 - 2:1) work on 2x3 are both 100 mm.</p>

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<p>Some of Schneider's enlarging lenses were sold in shutters for use on copy stands with a 4x5 Graflex/Linhof style camera. Copying documents, photos, art work required a flat field lens which is what an enlarging lens is. Polaroid made the MP-4 copy system. Linhof also had a copy system. Enlarging lenses can be used for macro work, you just need a way to adapt them to your camera, ei: extension tubes, bellows, etc. A true macro lens will be sharper and easier to use and cost a lot more. I use both types for my macro work.</p>
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