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Multiple Uploads


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<p>I was wonderning why certain members upload multiple exposures of the same subljects.</p>

<p>Some are 10 t0 20 photos.</p>

<p>Maybe a limit on the number of uploads at a one time should be instituded.</p>

<p>I choose the best exposure of the group to upload.</p>

<p>It it looks like a waste of bandwith.</p>

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<p>This topic or variants of it seem to be in the air right now:<br /> see http://www.photo.net/site-help-forum/00cS5E</p>

<p>What some people might consider multiple exposures of the same subjects, others might consider art:<br /> e.g. the Bechers: <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=becher+photography&num=100&newwindow=1&client=firefox-a&hs=9P2&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=5HcnU7izIKeqyAHm34GwBQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1852&bih=1261">link</a></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I see you don't understand, but some people find subtlety and aesthetic value in such things. So the only answer really is WHY NOT.</p>

<p>For what it's worth, in the Becher case the pictures are actually of different objects of the same kind. </p>

<p>There are other cases of long-term photography of a <em>single</em> object, such as, just for comment's sake, a water tower. :)</p>

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<p>Willis, the specific instance of the Bechers' industrial photography project you linked to is via a Google image search, not photo.net.</p>


<p>"I was wonderning why certain members upload multiple exposures of the same subljects.<br /> Some are 10 t0 20 photos."</p>


<p>Photo.net's mission includes a peer to peer critique process. Some new photographers, and experienced photographers who are exploring new themes, may be undecided about which of their photos in a theme or project work best. In those cases, they may choose to upload many candidates and request feedback.</p>

<p>In that respect it's no different from most contests, ranging from beauty pageants to elections, which begin with many candidates and narrow down to a smaller field as the process progresses.</p>


<p>"Maybe a limit on the number of uploads at a one time should be instituded."</p>


<p>One of the longstanding benefits offered to subscribers is unlimited portfolio capacity. Very few members ask for more constraints or limits.<br /> If anything I'd like to see an additional premium subscriber benefit: Cloud type storage of maximum resolution JPEGs, comparable to Flickr, preferably with maximum resolution JPEGs hidden or protected from download, with smaller default views available.</p>

<p>There may be instances when some members appear to dilute the impact of their portfolios with "too many" photos, or "too many" critique requests. But that's their choice. It's easy enough to look at someone else's photos and portfolios instead, if you prefer photographers who are more selective about what they present publicly.</p>


<p>"I choose the best exposure of the group to upload."</p>


<p>How would you know which exposure is the "best" without peer feedback? Again, the mission of photo.net is peer to peer feedback. If members knew which exposures were their best, they wouldn't need critiques. In such cases, many members who are certain of which photos represent their best work upload those photos to their personal/professional websites or blogs, but may still use photo.net for feedback.</p>

<p>In my own projects there have been occasions when my personal least favorite photo turned out to generate more positive and/or constructive feedback than my own personal choices. For that reason I'll occasionally include 20 or more photos in a given theme, even though eventually I will limit the theme to a dozen or so.</p>


<p>"It it looks like a waste of bandwith."</p>


<p>Bandwidth isn't much of an issue anymore, and shouldn't be for any serious photography website.</p>

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