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<p>Arthur - I was thinking the same thing. Calendar Events would seem like a good place to post local excursions.</p>

<p>I wonder if the moderators could grant us some flexibility with multiple posts? I'm mostly Nikon. I love Casual Photo Conversations. I dabble in Street and Documentary.</p>

<p>Could we possible post (in my case specifially) in Calendar Events, Nikon, Casual, and Street if we're trying to attract a group of photonetters for an outing?</p>

<p>Back in the day, a group of us Columbus Ohio photogs would meet at Midwest Photo Exchange on High Street in Columbus on Saturdays. Whomever was there by noon would go out and wander the streets to see what was up.</p>

<p>Just thinking.....Mark</p>

<p>Actually, I just came back from the local Kroger and was listening to NPR. Specifially, some talk about the TED Radio Hour. The subject, really paraphrasing here, was, the more the rules and regulations, the more that individual thinking was stifled. The less ability to think on your feet. The less the ability to adapt. Very interesting from my perspective...I really hate rules....other than the 10 commandments, and those to be interpretted in a commonsense way.</p>


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<p>"I wonder if the moderators could grant us some flexibility with multiple posts ... if we're trying to attract a group of photonetters for an outing?"</p>


<p>Mark, suggest it on the <a href="/site-help-forum/">Site Help Forum</a>. There may be some way to accommodate member-driven notices for local and regional gatherings.</p>

<p>If you're on Facebook there are events calendars and notices to remind folks who've subscribed of upcoming events.</p>

<p>Even if folks don't care to spend much time on Facebook, you can opt to receive emails for only the notices that interest you.</p>

<p>Same with Google Plus.</p>

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<p>Lex - I don't care to spend much (read ZERO) time on Facebook/Google+. If it's not news...it's not on photo.net<g>. My other major news site is <a href="http://www.wpcentral.com">www.wpcentral.com</a>. I can post a notice on my own web site...but I'm not going to support Facebook/Google+. Call me crotchety. Call me flakey. Just don't call me late for dinner<g>.</p>



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<p>Facebook can be a huge time sink. But it's handy for keeping track of your favorite creative types. Not everyone on FB uses it for rants. Most of the photographers, artists, musicians, theater folk and other creative types I keep up with use FB only for relevant updates about their creative projects.</p>

<p>For what it's worth, I use the Social Fixer app on Facebook to filter what I see. I don't unsubscribe or unfriend anyone if I can avoid it. But I do filter a lot of stuff into tabs that I may review only once a week, if at all. That way by the time I see someone's latest rant about <em>(insert hot-button-issue here)</em>, it's been several days or even weeks and there's less temptation to bother replying or arguing. It's also useful for selectively blocking rants from friends and family so you can still think well of them and they won't know you're not even reading their latest rants.</p>

<p>You can use it as selectively as you like, to receive only - for example - updates about meetups with local photographers. You can receive only email notifications for those, so you can have a Facebook account and seldom ever actually log into FB.</p>

<p>Anyway, there might be a way to incorporate this sort of Meetup Central idea into photo.net. And you can selectively receive email updates for specific posts or the entire forum (assuming we're talking about a Local Meetups Forum or something like that).</p>

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<p>Lex - I'm not looking to be real selective right now. I'm willing to say...Hey.. I'm going to be at Dawes on Saturday, February 16. Be there or be square. Keep it simple.</p>

<p>If anyone's concerned about security..Ohio does have concealed carry permits.... Plus, I'm personally into Australian Cattle Dogs...Lupo???</p>

<p>If the CCW permit and the ACD doesn't scare off people intent on mayhem...my D300 with 70-200 f/2.8 makes a heck of a bludgeon when needed.</p>


<p> </p>

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<p>The Pentacon 6, off the topic, is excellent for self defense. I think it may have been the camera used on the Mir space station to hammer down some loose part...</p>

<p>Since Illinois doesn't have either open or concealed carry, I'm not sure about going out in public with a Pentacon 6TL with the Sonnar 180mm f/2.8 lens...</p>

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<p>"<em>Anyway, there might be a way to incorporate this sort of Meetup Central idea into photo.net. And you can selectively receive email updates for specific posts or the entire forum (assuming we're talking about a Local Meetups Forum or something like that)."</em><br /> <br /> <em><br /></em>Since I instigated this, I'll ask Lex whether this can move ahead? A working model can be found at APUG, where "Regional Focus Groups" are broken down into broad geographic forums which are further sub-divided into regional/state/city sub-forums. It's worked for me and others here in Toronto. If launched with some success, the groups tend be self-sustaining once people connect and become acquainted. Worth a try?</p>
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<p>It's not up to me, a mere humble janitor who cleans up the cigarette butts and broken glass after the daily saloon brawls.</p>

<p>But we've forwarded an email to Josh to ponder. Keep in mind that photo.net admin is pretty much a one-person job and he deals with a gazillion issues every week. I know nothing about photo.net's workings under the hood other than it sounds like playing a game of Jenga in a moving car. But it's not as simple as the phpBB platforms where almost anyone can tweak things to quickly and easily set up new forums within an existing website.</p>

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<p>Well the deal is to meet in a barren spot like Camden New Jersey or Yuma Arizona. Any duller cities out there of similar one horse character? . <br>

When PN was younger site I exchanged e mails w/chap from Oakland, So when I when I mentioned in passing that I was planning a tour of the bay area he warmly suggested, " Gerry, <em>Maybe we can get together and shoot.</em>" I mean come on: <em>" Get together and shoot? " My apologies, but</em> no<em> </em>I don't think so. Fly to SF to see the shows, the symphony, watch the kite flyers in GG Park, tour the coastal redwoods, see the latest IMAX ... And sour dough bread ! Yeah ,sour dough bread which we never can find here no matter what...now that Raymond's bakery gave up its presence in the pre baked frozen loaf market. I might hit Noahs bagels once, but more likely I will go for fish dinner at Jack London Square. <br>

That said, A <em>convention</em> of PNers might be interesting, conventions help folk to bond better IMO. <br>

I do not deny a personal visit could be greart.. hmm maybe a home visit to on line friend's villa in Nice would have win me over :-))<br>

Well, if anyone comes to Oahu do they really want to a)spend time chatting or Bout doing the beach. I like the sentiment, but is it just sentiment? . I think it is a warm courtesy to say " Let's get together for a beer or mai tai at the hotel bar." And talk. About what we talk about. Online. Or kids or food or politics. </p>

<p> Exception: If the other party is photogenic, then I am agreeable to <em>go out and shoot.</em> With chit chat in the process. Sure and I will buy the mai tais. </p>


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<p>One of the things I wish more people did was show where they're from.</p>


<p>Yes, me too. Philip Greenspun argued for this self imposed GPS suffix locator but it did not catch on. I seem to be one of the few left. So what is so hard about putting a general location on there. Has to be some security reason for folks I suppose. I also try to update my real not abstract picture every couple years or so.<br /> So much for hands across the oceans theme.... plus with all the time zones it will explain why I am inclined to post at the wee hours by Eastern Standard US time and not near Hawaii Aleutian Standard Time.<br>

PS: It would not be so tough to just add to your online chosen name, a parenthetical w/ country or state. Or just put a national flag or graphic is fine. Like Texas lone star flag? A campaign button? (LOL) No, no, belay that last one.</p>

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<p>I have never met any, but anytime I am at a photo meeting, I am always checking name tags. There are many here I would like to meet. Some have influenced my work markedly. A couple really caused some lights to come on. Some I would really love to shoot with or watch shoot because we share a similar approach to photography. </p>
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