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W/NW Pic of the Week # 15


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<p>Welcome to this weeks favorite pic of the week where we get to show our 1 and only single pick of pic of the week. Don't be bashful, lets share our photography. I'll pick up where last week left off. Inspired by Royall Barndt's photo of the interior of the GCT in NYC, I will start with the 3rd photo I took in my one trip there, the exterior of the GCT taken on Vanderbuilt. Lecia M7/35 Summicron. <img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2020/2039253557_fa863fa766_o.jpg" alt="" /></p>
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<p>From a few weeks back...</p>

<p><a title="XTRA by Baisao, on Flickr" href=" XTRA src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8247/8468561112_428f67f341_c.jpg" alt="XTRA" width="534" height="800" /></a><br /><em>Leica M6 'Wetzlar' / 50mm 'cron ver. IV / ACROS 100 / DD-X (1+4) @ 9min. / No Meter <br /><br /></em><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/62496026@N03/">Flickr</a></p>

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<p>Charlie, though less subtle than your other forms this is nonetheless magnificent! It reminds of me of how a child might coopt his enviroment to imagine a stump into a fortress' tower.</p>

<p>Richard, I like how the colors are stacked in the composition and echoed in the form of the doorstop. Kudos and thanks!</p>

<p>Louis, similar to Richard's photo yet entirely different. I think what strikes me about it is the found beauty of the moment.</p>

<p>Elmo, it was a pleasure! </p>

<p>Strong week everyone!!!</p>

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