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Trigerring an old Elinchrom


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<p>I am having trouble triggering my trusty old Elinchrom 22 - one of the old ones with the proprietary screw on slave socket. O bought one of the Phottix Strato 2 wireless triggers and can’t get it to work. After fiddling around with a multimeter it seems that the Phottix triggers use and electrical pulse to trigger the light where the Elinchrom just need the circuit to be closed.<br>

Two questions: Is my assessment of the problem correct and is there a workaround?<br>

Thanks in advance</p>

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<p>Hi David, I don't think that's right. Something I've seen before is that the slave unit (or even a camera) only lets the trigger current come through in one direction - if the flash needs current to go the other way...no flash. They would call this a problem with polarity. </p>

<p>If possible, I would suggest you try reversing the sync connection and see if it flashes. (You might have to cut open the middle of the sync cable and swap wires. Hope it works.</p>

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<p>If there is a puse signal in the flash sync connection, you would not be able to measure it with a multimeter.</p>

<p>Phoottix Staro does not produce any pulse signal in the hot shoe, or any of the cable socket connection.</p>

<p>Perhaps reversed polarity as Bill suggests, or sync voltage too high for the Phottix Stato, is causing it.</p>

<p>Test your Phottix transmitter/receiver pair with another flash, to make sure channels are right, cables are OK, etc.</p>

<p> </p>

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