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Development time for HP5+ 400 pulled to 200


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Depending upon your camera/lens/meter combination an ISO of 200 is the Exposure Index I always use for HP5. Expose for the shadow, develop for the highlights. Meaning, at 200 you'll be sure to capture shadow detail and developement times will vary on how much contrast you want. I use a Canon A2, set to ISO 200, adjust metering up or down dependent on the relative white/dark in the scene, and develop at 68 F for 8 minutes. However, this is also set to my enlarger and printing preferences. Some reading on the Zone system will help you if that doesn't all make sense. Go to www.zone2tone.co.uk for a well written discusion of this. Good luck.
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For 35mm hp5 plus rated EI:200 a processing time of 9 minutes

in d-76 1:1 @ 20 degrees celcius should get you in the ballpark.

You can extrapolate from there. This time is for processing

without a presoak & printing on grade 3 paper with a diffusion



I dont consider this to be a " pull process " for me it is

the way the film works best , both in practice and also according

to sensitometric evaluation.

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