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iPhone app development timer

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I don't see a forum that looks like a good fit for tools that support film processing, but I think this is relevant to this group. I finished an iPhone app that works as a development timer, just for fun, I couldn't find anything with a good interval timer to keep track of agitation. It's free, you can mail development recipes and post them to Facebook. <br>

<a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/develop!/id568421864?mt=8">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/develop!/id568421864?mt=8</a><br>

Happy to make changes and improvements if it's of use to anyone.<br>


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<p>Hi Ben,<br>

Thank for this!<br>

Massive Dev was $7.99 and I just couldn't bring myself to buy it :). I only really have the screenshots to go by. I wanted to do something that would be free and have as simple an interface as possible, a bit of a different aesthetic. <br>

Specifically on interval timer I wanted something where there was an overall time for a step, but a second, visual indication of the interval within that step such that from the other side of my sink I could get a visual idea of how far things were, not have to try to read the numbers, in my head I had a round pie-chart progress indicator in mind, not a linear indicator.<br>

I don't want to go compare too closely to Massive Dev, it's not a competition :), but I didn't need to see the progress of all steps on a single screen, I was only concerned with seeing status for the given step because I know if I'm on Step B, that Step A is done and Step C is next.<br>

There's a light meter app that I love to use which has a great aesthetic, it looks like an actual light meter, so I wanted to make something that looked like a timer with a bit of a retro look. So this is a little different aesthetically.<br>

Finally I share some of the recipes with my friends so I thought integration with Facebook would be nice in addition to being able to mail a recipe to someone.<br>

Sorry for the long answer!<br>


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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>I'm jealous for the Hassleblad! Let me know how it goes with the app, looking for feedback to improve it.<br>

(NEWS: There's a new 1.1 version out, if anyone has previously downloaded you should get notification to upgrade. It adds Twitter (someone asked for this) and a few other things, as well as an important fix.)</p>

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<p>Hi Todd,<br>

I know nothing about programming iOS apps, but would it be possible to have a version that doesn't require iOS6? Your app looks great and I tried to download it, but my iPhone only has version 5.1.1 (and don't want to updated to iOS6 --Google Maps etc.), and I got the massage that the app needs iOS6...</p>




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

<p>Hi All,<br>

A new version (1.3) is out. There are a few tweaks (you can double tap to go to the next step, the alarm is shorter, an issue where the alarm would go off if you went back a step is fixed). There is a new feature as well: you can import recipes from FilmDev.org. (FilmDev.org is a big repository of film recipes that are linked to their Flickr images).<br>


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  • 9 months later...

<p>Hi Mike,<br>

Ug, very sorry to hear that you are having a problem. There shouldn't be any issue with iOS7. Can you delete and re-install the app? I'm sure it will work (the recipes will get deleted, so be sure to mail backups if you want to save them).<br>

However... I have just finished an all-new version for iOS7. There is iCloud support so you can store recipes in the cloud and sync between devices, there is voice control so you can go to the next step just by saying "NEXT" and, last but not least, the whole process of creating and updating recipes has been updated. I haven't released it yet, I am finishing up testing. Would you be interested to give it a try and let me know what you think?<br>


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<p>Hi Todd,<br>

Went through the motions with installing Testflight, but when I go the email to install the beta version, the link then told me that I don't have access...<br>

Anyway, I have since done the delete&reinstall, and it seems to work fine now...<br>



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  • 3 weeks later...


Having an issues here. I've loaded the Develop app on both my iPhone 4S (6.1.3 and my iPad2 (7.0.4). I cant figure out how to add a task to a new recipe. I can name it and add a description but I cant get the add task field to activate so I can enter something. I think I'm missing something but I'm not new to this I device world and I cant figure it out. Any help would be much appreciated. Also, if your still looking for testers for your new version I'd be happy to give it a run on my iPad.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot,</p>


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