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Comment Notification Setup - Global


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<p>Is there a way to be notified of *any new comment* on *any picture*?<br>

I am aware that each image has a "notify" setup option. I often turn that on (if I remember) when I submit an image for Critique/Ratings. But sometimes I find that people have commented on images that I have not submitted for ratings or critiques. I would like to respond to the comments / interact in a timely fashion where possible. But to do so I would have to look through every image to check for comments.<br>

A global switch to notify me on any new comments on images or on the portfolio page will be very useful to me (and I should think easy to implement).</p>

<p>I can understand some of the very popular people on PN will get many comments and may not want to be notified. This switch can by default be "Off", so people who do not want it will see no change from current behavior.<br>

I apologize if this already exists - please point me to it. If not, could you tell me if you can add this?<br>

Thank you.</p>


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<p>It does already exist and is a nice tool for just the reasons you're mentioning. You don't get automatically notified. You have to check this yourself, but you don't have to look at all your photos individually.</p>

<p>Click on the "My Workspace" page at the top of any PN page.</p>

<p>Scroll down to the "PHOTO CRITIQUES" section and click on the word "View" next to "Your photos attracted xxxx comments." That will show you all of your photos that have been commented on, the most recent listed at the top. You can check it daily or weekly, depending on the number of comments you generally receive and how often you want to see them.</p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>Ah I see, Thank you Fred. It is a useful listing and I don't mind visiting that page.<br>

But would it be possible to implement a global notification?<br>

Sometimes people comment on the portfolio page at the bottom. Sometimes you engage in a forum discussion and forget to click "notify".<br>

Wouldn't be useful (atleast to some people) to be notified via email with a digest of comments? Or even just telling them there has been new comments so that they can then go and look at the "Photo Critiques" -> "View" page?</p>


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<p>I wouldn't use such notification. I have hundreds of photos here, I don't want my inbox inundated with notices that someone commented on one of my photos, there's too much junk in there already. If I want to see any recent comments, I go to My Workspace and see if there are comments.<br>

My $0.02 worth.</p>


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