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ISO mistake, advise to correct in development - B&W


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<p>I was shooting ISO 100 film and spot metering with hand held Light meter. I had my light meter set to ISO 100. all good. I was metering middle gray so I expect my mettering to be accurate for my scene. Then I decided to switch to another film at ISO 400 but forgot to set my light meter to match the ISO. I shot almost the entire new roll metering with light meter set to ISO 100. The camera however was set correctly at ISO 400. This means that I am pretty much ~two stops overexposure for most of the roll. I was shooting Kodak Tri-X 400 . The scene I was shooting was an overcast morning with very dense fog at sunrise. Light did not make it through the fog, so in general it was a low contrast scene as it was. </p>

<p>My question is: How can I correct this mistake in development ?. I think the answer is PULLING two stops during development assuming I still have detail in the highlights. As I am no expert on this, I'd like to get some advise. Is this the right solution. ? I believe I have to lower development time to accomplish this, but this will cause lose of contrast, right ?. I am hoping not to lose too much more contrast due to already low contrast scene as described above. Should I pull one stop only ? then I am thinking I will need to use a higher contrast paper/filter to increase the the contrast during printing ? I print on VC Ilford B&W paper.</p>

<p> I also heard of intensification and reduction processes but not sure if that can play a roll here ?</p>

<p>These should be good images of the Everglades in Southern Florida. I have to do what it takes to rescue the images.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

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