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calibrating question


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<p>Hi..I have a Mac. I am wondering if just calibrating my computer is enough. People say a Mac does not need calibrating. Do I need to buy an outside calibrator?? Also, I often get confused with the printing process. When I send my photos out to be printed, I usually send them to Mpix or Adorama. Do I need to connect with them as far as color? Thank you.</p>
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<p>yes, you need a calibrator if you want the most accurate output. Look into the ColorMunki Display or the i1Display Pro.</p>

<p>You will want to ask the labs for their current color profile adn you'll use that as part of your softproofing process.</p>

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<p>Calibration is mostly needed if you are going to do your own printing or scanning. Calibration software makes sure that all of your hardware is communicating properly with each other, that includes monitor, scanner, printer.</p>

<p>If you are just posting images on the web, an uncalibrated monitor is not a show-stopper since the people who view your images might have uncalibrated monitors. So even if your monitor is calibrated to the highest degree, it would not make that much of a difference.</p>

<p>However, if you are going to be doing any editing before sending your images out for printing, make sure your monitor is calibrated. You don't want to make changes that are going to stick once they get to the printer. For Macs I would get a Spyder Pro which is not that expensive and works well according to the reviews.</p>

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