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Rain Cover for DSLR

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<p>Back in February, I posted a question about protecting a DSLR from rain. I recieved a response recommending an inexpensive plastic cover designed for a camera body and variety of lenses up to 18' long. The product is "Rainsleeve" and is made by Op/Tech USA. I used this over my camera in pelting rain for several hours, and it kept my camera dry. I am thankful for the suggestion I got and want to pass this on to others. The product can be ordered from B&H.</p>
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<p>I gave in and spent the $ on Think Tank's Hydrophobia. Way more money than Op/Tech's very modestly priced solution. It really does depend on how you see yourself using it. I think the Hydrophobia's construction will also work on lava, comets from space, incoming tactical nukes, and possibly even baby drool. But it's spendy, and kinda bulky. Not something you'd have "in the bag" just in case - it's a look-at-the-weather-and-decide-to-take-it sort of item. The Op/Tech is perfect for the unplanned wet situation.</p>
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<p>A deep lens hood, large zip bag, and a rubber band will do a great job. To avoid rain splattering off the bottom, inside surface of the hood, add a small piece of flexible plastic to extend the top as needed. This has worked well on the occasions that I get 'run over' by Az. thunderstorms, but want to continue shooting.</p>
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