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Weekly Post-Processing Challenge - Dec. 13, 2014

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<p>I woke up in the middle of the night thinking it would be fun to work with some of Ansel Adams negatives so I Googled that and found that the National Archives has scans of his negatives from the Manzanar Project. Turns out that Adam's likened his negatives to a musical score and the paper print as the performance. He actually wanted his negatives available so others could interpret them. That hasn't happened for the most part. This is just a suggestion for next weeks photo so <a href="http://www.loc.gov/pictures/collection/manz/digitizing.html">here</a> is a link to the National Archives site. Everyone could pick a favorite or someone could pick one. <a href="http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2010/04/ansel-redux-.html">Here</a> is a short article about Ansel Adams</p>
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<p>Sounds like an interesting idea, and far be it from me to stifle a thought that woke someone up in the middle of a sound sleep. Will be particularly interesting to see how the edits compare to the print made by Adams. Of course, since it was your idea, you get to pick and post the shot ;). You ok with that? I would post only the negative image, and then post a shot of Ansel's print late in the week when it looks like participation is done (like Friday or Saturday).</p>

<p>Good thought, even if you lost some sleep over it!</p>


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