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Should I trade in my 5Dc for 5D2


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<p>5D Classics (as they're often called) are going for around $800 @ fredmiranda.com's rather active Buy & Sell forum. B&H is selling new 5d MKIIs for just under $2000. If the dollars works for you, the MKII will give you a considerable boost in resolution and a few other nice touches. They're both great cameras, having had a couple of 5Ds and, currently, a MKII. Whether you "should" make the move is your choice. I doubt you'd be disappointed with it.<br>

Good Luck</p>


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<p>I have a 5D and a 5D2, and both are fine cameras. However, for those who feel strongly about shooting full frame, the 5D2 introduced a number of real and important features and improvements that can be very useful. I like to say that "the 5D2 is better than or the equal of the 5D in every way."</p>

<p>I can't add anything to Steve's cost analysis, except to say that if the value of your 5D is fairly low, you might consider saving it as a second back-up camera.</p>


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<p>To answer your first question, <strong><em>absolutely</em></strong>...</p>

<p>As for the second, I've seen used 5DII's selling locally here (in Vancouver, BC) for $1700. But G Dan's suggestion that you hang on to your 5D as a back-up makes sense, provided you can afford to. I personally have a dual format kit - 5DII and 50D - but I've hung onto my EOS film bodies as well.</p>

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<p>I am another who brought a brand new 5Dmkii after I saw the specs on the mark iii, and realized that most of the improvements didn't really impact my use. Check the new prices - I think that the used ones haven't gone down much yet, and there was little difference between new and used when I bought. I liked my 5D, but the mark ii is even a little nicer. My daughter was very pleased to take over the 5D from me.<br>

I'd definitely keep the 7D instead of the 5D. In fact, a 7D will probably be my next acquisition to replace my old 20D, which I still use.</p>

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"in mint condition with a low shutter count"


If you've had the camera for several years, and it's still in mint condition with a low shutter count, can you justify spending a couple thousand dollars on a new camera that will probably also see very light use? It sounds like your current camera has years of useful life left in it. Unless it's not meeting your current needs, why sell it?

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<p>A few months ago I sold my 5D (bought 2006, no longer in mint condition and a moderately high shutter count) on ebay for 700GBP and bought a new 5D mk II for 1500 GBP. I think the secondhand price for the 5D may have dropped a bit now and I am very happy with that trade. I get a new camera which has a much better screen, better low light abilities, video, live view etc etc. Not a difficult decision. I suggest you sell the 5D while it still has a decent value.</p>
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<p>"<em>If you've had the camera for several years, and it's still in mint condition with a low shutter count</em>"</p>

<p>Great point Mike, for some reason I felt more comfortable walking around town with my 30D then with the 7D. The 5Dc was my first 2+ grand camera so I treated it with kid-gloves.</p>

<p>Over time, I became a little dissapointed with the LCD display, the constant cleaning of the sensor and the lack of pro features. The 5D II has allot more to offer.</p>

<p>I would love to own the 5D III but right now that is out my league. I'm not a big user of Video which is what I think this camera is targeted to. </p>

<p>Thanks for the advice maybe I'll try selling it on eBay.</p>

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<p>I enjoyed my 3 years with a 5D and I kept it as backup when I bought the ii two years ago. That said, its chalk and cheese for me- Live View, better screen, better (though still not great) low light performance, and so on- particularly no more up-rezzing files for stock agencies and I can even get a little crop and meet their stds. I'd take it really hard if I had to step back. Nothing magic about the 5D as a backup- if you prefer the 7D and you do actually take it on trips as well as the 5D- then sell it. </p>
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<p>Take $800 off the price Of a 5D2 and you will get a lot of camera for relatively little money.<br />If its IQ you are looking for, the difference between 7D and 5D2 is not going to the that significant, until you shoot at high ISOs. The 5 D2 is significantly better than 7D (and probably the 5D Mk1) above 1600 ISO.<br /> I'd sell the 5D mk 1 as its value will drop even more in the future.<br /> You might even get a lightly used 5D MK2 for a good price now (Id not pay more than $1200 for one now the new price has dropped to well below $2000)</p>

<p> </p>

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