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Jobo Rotary Processor or Aquarium heaters

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<p>I'm looking to learn how to develop color film. I've read that color film requires a much more precise and sustained temperature than B&W. The only way I can think of achieving this is through a processor like a Jobo; however these cost in excess of $1K on eBay.<br>

Has anyone had success using something like a aquarium heater? Can anyone recommend one?<br>



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<p>Forget aquarium heaters, get yourself one of these:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Precision-182-Heated-All-Stainless-Steel-Water-Bath-/370642592822?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item564c052436">http://www.ebay.com/itm/Precision-182-Heated-All-Stainless-Steel-Water-Bath-/370642592822?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item564c052436</a></p>

<p>Highly accurate temperature control. They come in a variety of sizes, I have one that holds my 7 bottles for E-6 processing, and I paid on ebay about $40 + shipping for it. Works fantastic.</p>

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<p>I have successfully processed C-41 film in a Jobo 2500 tank with 18 sheets of 4x5 color film, in a 55°F room on a ceramic counter with a plastic pan filled 1/2 full of 110°F water , a second pan the same size as the first nested and filled half full of 105°F water, the chemicals in a sink with the bottles 3/4 covered with 100°F water.<br>

Tank chemical temperature did not drop more than 1°F during the processing session, start of first developer to end of stabilizer.</p>

<p>It may not be practical for large quantity routine work but it will work for the occasional.</p>

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<p>Thanks guys.<br>

I've had a difficult time maintaining temps using my sink so I think that the water bath makes the most sense and will be the most convenient. I knew that they existed - I just didn't realize they could be had for that little. <br>

As far as Walmart is concerned; i'm nowhere near one (downtown Chicago) and there are only two places nearby that will process themselves; a GammaImaging and CentralCamera Co. Both are too expensive for my taste. Besides, processing my own is half of the reason I got into film. :)</p>

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<p>Another alternative is a device that was sold under the name "Road Warrior" if you can find one. It was a stainless steel tank that had room down the middle for three film developing tanks, which sat in a water bath. There was room in the bottom for a heater, I believe made by Delta (the photo company, not the faucet company), that would maintain the water bath and chemicals in the tank at whatever temp you wanted. On each side was a slot about 1/2-inch by 8x10 for developing paper (developer on one side, blix on the other).<br />These were made for news photographers who had to develop film on the road. News photographers don't do that anymore, so I'm sure these things are laying around and can be had for pennies on the dollar if you can find one. I have one, but it's not for sale.</p>
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