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Shots that didn't quite work out

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<p>Yes, I get quite a bit of "near hits" as well. I'm lucky I have a big trash can to hold all these in. Right off the bat here are two. The first one the focus is a bit off. I took several shots of them so maybe there is one where my focus is accurate, I'll have to check if I can locate the roll. The second has that damn pole growing out of the woman's head. I was aware of this, but I thought my shallow dof would render it less pronounced. Boy was I ever wrong. It's a shame too since I rather like the expressions and body language of these two quite well. Recently I visited a photographer friend of mine to pick up some fiber print drying screens he was giving me. I brought some recent work for him to look at. He told me the prints are looking a bit flat contrast wise. I can see what he meant but I attribute this to the fact that my darkroom is in a garage and try as I might, there is always stray light leaking through door jams, overhear rafters etc. I'm still trying to fix this :-(</p><div>00avno-499845584.jpg.efd325c2bfb6a438b2b845f18fc21561.jpg</div>
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<p>On a walk about Seattle I discovered that workers were removing statues (a temporary art project) from a park. The only lens I had with me was an 8-15mm fisheye and I knew it would not provide me with the shots I really wanted. I had to do the best that I could with the lens at hand.</p><div>00avws-499933884.jpg.2b86b52121fcc25c1968e4b5625dc8b9.jpg</div>
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