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Hipsters stunned

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<p>I thought it was real stuff until I saw names such as Retrough and Anthropy. Funny though and close to the truth. Now what are we then? Are we just bunch of classic camera users or are we leaning towards hipsterism? I use my classic Yashicas quite a lot, but I do not make cracks in the case to create light leaks or cross process my film.</p>
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<p>Cute, harmless fun. Made me laugh.<br>

But don't be too hard on those young, hip folk. When I was a kid, a bit younger than the fellow in the article, I thought a Canonet, Tri-X and a heartfelt brooding demeanor would make me the next Gene Smith or Al Eisenstaedt. But I learned. They'll learn, too. We all start somewhere. Besides, those young people buy lots of old cameras and a ton of film. A good thing.</p>

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<p>I really enjoyed that . A satire written just for us! . I really had to laugh at Les S. comment about Hip replacement! But many other comments are introspective and ...umm looking in the mirror, the elephant in the room and such! How about if the shoe fits... We're about a month away from Photokina. Last time there I was very surprised (dissappointed??) at the "hipsters" there all embracing Lomography. I was pawning a free DVD for an on-line photo course nearby and one "hipster" when oferred a DVD, raised both hands in self defense repeating loudly "Analog Man, Analog!" I resisted the impulse to bitch-slap the twerp!<br>

I hope we can manage to embrace the tools without putting on an attitude. The best laugh is laughing at yourself!<br>

Thanks for a very funny link! A recent music theory joke ( A minor triad goes into a bar....) was posted and while I thorougly enjoyed it, the audience I could share it with was extremely limited. I'm so glad this was shared .</p>

<p> </p>

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