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Where do you process your C41?

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<p>I have been kind of comfortable with Walgreen's for a few years now (here in the States) but they have started to slowly let me down (the corporate that is). The processing part has been just fine as I am the regular at the 2 shops I frequent, and the staff are like my friends. They know exactly what I want and often indulge me on unreasonable turn around times, even though they may be full of disposable camera orders.</p>

<p>My gripes are as follows:</p>


<li>Almost 3 years ago, their image CD-s contained two folders with the same pictures, one contained uncompressed tiffs and the other substantially reduced quality JPGs. Someone in their infinite wisdom, in their corporate, arbitrarily changed settings on the Frontier machines to low quality JPGs only, and did away with the Tiff folder altogether. Fine, I was willing to put up with that as long as the processing price didn't move, $1.99 for processing only + $3 for a CD + tax. I wrote an email to express my disappointment, which you can imagine went nowhere.</li>

<li>Alas, that was not meant to be, as the "corporate" nearly doubled the price which now stands at $5 for processing along and $3.50 for the CD + tax.</li>


<p>I have tried CVS, they are cheaper, but the quality of their work is horrendous, often times with chemical spots on the frames and strange color shifts on scans that only a lomography/holga nut can love.</p>

<p>What is your story in this respect?</p>

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<p>I use both Walgreen's (particularly when the local camera shop is closed - evenings, Sundays) and my local camera store (great honkin' Agfa processor), but I do my own scans - higher quality and "custom" to boot.<br>

Our Walgreens varies with who is there, but is surprisingly good at their best. Their price is the same as yours for processing.</p>

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<p>The corporate folks aren't ripping you off for the higher process-only price. As the volume goes down, and they process less rolls in the same amount of expensive chemistry, the only choice is to raise the prices. Film processing prices at professional labs are going up as well.<br>

Film can't survive at the media and processing prices of five years ago. You have to vote with your wallet open.</p>

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It's a sort of death spiral. Smaller numbers of developed rolls means poorer experience on the part of the operators and

probably older chemistry or higher costs per roll and that means struggling to make money on the service. Eventually the

machines are gone. I've had some bad experiences with local drug stores (no camera stores around anymore) and I try to

use mailers. I have a few left. I bought them at B&H Photo. Hate waiting so long though.

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<p>I get mine done at Phototec in Rutland, Vermont. I guess they do mail order, because I think Gene M. uses them too. Careful, and their CD scans are pretty good too. I usually get the development and the "low res" scan, which is more than adequate for web purposes and the like. Multi generational family outfit, nice people to deal with, and last time I went there, they said they are doing a lot of C-41 business these days. Unfortunately they did give up the E12, which they did well.</p>


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<p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=3902476">Bob Sunley</a>, Oct 07, 2012; 12:52 p.m.<br>

Low volume and low prices ends up meaning low quality, then no service at all. Which is why I DIY C41 in my darkroom.</p>


<p>How? DO you have a Jobo setup?</p>

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<p>Wal-mart. The technicians are terrible, but at least they follow directions when replenishing chemicals, and the machine is automated enough that I usually get usable negs. That's when they don't melt them in the scanner, or cut right through the frames to load them into protectors. But they're just about the only game in town, it's either send out for processing (2 weeks), pay $12 a roll with a 45-min drive each way to drop off and pick up at one or the other pro lab, or Wal-mart. Cheap crap always wins out, I guess, just because it's cheap. If nothing else, it's forced me to get a lot better with my B&W.</p>
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<p>I'm having good results at my local CVS . The head tech. does a great job as I get the CD+processing, but I see the handwriting on the wall and want to get started doing my own. A supplier of the chemical's is a mystery to me. There seems to be so many choises at that mail order place. No local Guru is handy in these parts. Don't want to over buy just want to get the right stuff. Thanks</p>
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<p>I have two options. There is a Walmart 20 mi. away that will do my c-41 in 1\2 hr at no extra charge. In town the camera store sends the film to their sister shop in Concord NH. They do a very good job developing and scanning to CD. However they charge 30% more and take a week to turn around.</p>
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<p>All the Wall-marts within 100 miles of me closed their film labs and so did most of the drug stores, except a CVS pharmacy. I use to go to target but they closed their 1hr labs in my area too, this month.<br /> There was one studio where I use to go to get all my 1hr processing for both 120 film and 35mm. They had a mini lab processor with an adjustable feeder for both sizes. He stopped his film service about 3 years ago and only offers a digital printing service now. I was chatting with him about 6 months ago when I had some large prints made, and he told me he still has that machine & one that he uses to use to develop slide film, which he stopped in 2006. Said they were in his basement and would give them to me if i wanted.. I have no idea would i would do with them or where i could put them, but even if i had the room I can assume the chemicals would be too expensive for the few cartridges of film that I get developed every other moth.</p>
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<p><strong>Barron Photografix Ltd</strong></p>

<address>2712 W 6th St<br />Fort Worth, TX 76107</address>

<p>(817) 348-8080</p>

<a href="http://www.yelp.com/biz_redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.barronphotografix.com&src_bizid=yRDhJHmhCcy-Wxqti9sIWA&cachebuster=1351540180&s=dca6507b5a2594b7457fa93894034b757ae66bcf569755fe839a0b2054829b20" target="_blank">http://www.barronphotografix.com</a>

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