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W/NW Pic of the Week # 26


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<p>Hi all, Welcome to the Friday start posting your fave single pic of the week. I know I for one, enjoy seeing all your photos. I'll start off the melee with a photo of flautist and piper John Skelton. I honestly can't remember what I took this with and there doesn't seem to be any exif data so I can't tell you for sure. <img src="http://farm1.staticflickr.com/79/272035279_4079516905_o.jpg" alt="" /></p>
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<p><a title="Scales by Baisao, on Flickr" href=" Scales src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8017/7367626422_6604a7b173_c.jpg" alt="Scales" width="800" height="534" /></a><br>

<em>M6 Wetzlar | 50mm Summicron IV | FP4+ | Ilford DD-X (1+4)</em></p>

<p>A concerned Vietnamese grandmother wanted to know why I was taking photos of the fish. Was I up to something sinister? Health Inspector, perhaps? Or worse, an outsider 'slumming' it in Little Saigon.</p>

<p>I told her that the fish looked like large fish scales and that I hoped the silver on the film would echo the silver tone of the fish. Satisfied with my answer and with broad smiles between us, she waved and let me continue photographing the white bass.</p>

<p><em><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/62496026@N03/">Flickr</a></em></p>

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<p>We're taking a bit of a battering here in the UK, something to do with the gulf stream. Which is great if you're an adrenalin junky!<br>

Rhosneigr, Isle of Anglesey, North Wales.</p>

<p><a title="Rhosneigr Kite Surfer by stevedeer, on Flickr" href=" Rhosneigr Kite Surfer src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7081/7173076439_73f2e2c183_c.jpg" alt="Rhosneigr Kite Surfer" width="800" height="600" /></a></p>

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<p><a name="00aVhP"></a><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=23754">Robin Smith</a> <a href="../member-status-icons"><img title="Subscriber" src="../v3graphics/member-status-icons/sub10plus.gif" alt="" /><img title="Frequent poster" src="../v3graphics/member-status-icons/1roll.gif" alt="" /></a>, Jun 16, 2012; 11:46 a.m.</p>
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<p>Here is a shot from the last year (Leica MP, 35mm Summilux f.1,4 ASPH, Kodak Portra 400). One unexpected characteristic of advent of winter in India is fog. It is thick. Very thick. More often than not it mixes with pollution and creates terrible smog that envelops all urban areas. The entire Taj Mahal complex was enveloped in it. Only later in the day did the November sun penetrate the fog a bit. The result was some mysterious haze surrounding this beautiful monument to love.</p>

<p>Here are a couple shots done with my dSLR:<br>

Taj Mahal in late afternoon haze

Taj Mahl in late afternoon haze - II


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