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Leica as a chick magnet

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<p>Ain't never going to happen! 4x5, on the other hand, is something else - put it on a tripod, and women approach you, almost always responding positively to an offer to look through the focusing hood. Cameras you can hang around your neck are strictly for poseurs (although sometimes useful for taking pictures!).</p>
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I have definitely not found any young woman who likes cameras that much. But almost the only comments I get on my

Leicas are from young women, usually interested in film. Perhaps this young woman is different and thought an M7 might

be digital....?

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<p>Funny enough, without exception, whenever I get admiring comments about my camera (Leica M8 or occasionally a Nikon D200 with a BIG lens) its from young women. Have not yet been offered the bonk around the back of the building though. Damn I will have to try harder. I think there is something in this video.</p>
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<p>Sometimes women notice my IIIc but more often it is male photographers that notice. Here is the strangest interaction I’ve had by far:</p>

<p>I was photographing downtown on the last day of SXSW and this smartly dressed fellow walks up to me and says in a demanding voice, “Let me see that!” I look at him trying to assess whether I am about to be mugged and he says again firmly, “Let me see the camera!” I intuited that I wasn’t going to get mugged but had NO intention of letting him paw over my camera, so I just hold up the IIIc and tell him it’s an old Leica from 1948 and make a comment about how good the lens condition is. He cooed over it like he was seeing a WWII era airplane. He then told me that he had “a lot of respect for those cameras” and said that he switched to shooting digital 10 years ago. </p>

<p>(Everyone says they switched to shooting digital 10 years ago. And however fond they are of their digital cameras there is always a brief hint of sadness in their voices, a tone that is more than just nostalgia. I think that they truly miss shooting film but are too afraid to admit it.)</p>

<p>So the well dressed fellow left, saying that he was a professional photographer and had to get ready for the night ahead. “Ta!”</p>

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