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Yes, I deleted that thread.

ed b.

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Yes, I deleted the thread "Forum Politics", even though I started it.

It degenerated into a childish exchange of insults that was

embarrasing for both sides.


I would like to state that it was good to see Trib on the forum again-

-long time no see.


I sent Mason a note and told him I resign as the moderator of the

Black & White World Forums. I also told him I would continue until

such time as he can find someone else. I have better things to do

with my time.

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I hope you don't leave the group! I recently used your suggested times for Rodinal and Tri-X shot at EI 200 and am very pleased with the results. Your contributions to this forum are invaluable! See my recent photos (first time uploads to photo.net)... the one of the USS Constitution was done with your times and dilution. Please stay!!!




Chuck Miller

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Hey, I'm not leaving just because there was an argument on the forum, although that was the catalyst. But I have other things I need to attend to. I hope to write a book in 2003, learn at least two new historical processes, and continue to maintain my web site. I will still post here, as well as on other forums. But I've completed my term of public service--let someone else have a go at it. Any volunteers?


(You know what Robert Heinlein said about fools? There are three kinds: poor fools, damn fools, and volunteers.)

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well Ed,


you and a few of the old timers, with yer sagey and reliable info was why i stayed here... if only in cloaked form. now' ive one more reason to stray farther and stay away longer.


we'll miss ya buddy,




p.s. i keep getting the feeling that webnature will abhorr the vacuum of yer absence and now we can only pray that an elf won't be large enough to clog this toilet.

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Ed, as a moderator of a bunch of photo.net forums and a lurker here I'd suggest you just get a co-moderator to help out with the work. Being a moderator is generally a thankless task, in fact it's usually less than thankless since the bad email normally outweighs the good!


We all get pissed off with the behavior in the forums from time to time, but without moderators it would get a lot worse. The trick is to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. Having a few moderators around to share the task makes that easier.

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Bob... This decision is the culmination of considerable introspection. As I said, the contratemps was simply a catalyst. I have nipped many controversies in the bud in the past, but now I find I don't have the time to monitor the forums closely, so by the time I get back to a thread it has already gotten out of control and the damage is done. I think it will be better for everyone if we have a moderator who can devote some real time to the forums.<br>


In additon, I feel we used to have some truly informative discussions about technical issues here, but these are quite rare now. Instead, we have people asking very basic questions (and nitpicking about whether analog is a useful term). True, basic questions need to be answered, and there are plenty of people who don't mind answering them, but I don't have time (or patience) to wade through them anymore. I have a low tolerance for insignificant controversies, name calling, and incivility.<br>


I will continue to devote myself to fine art black and white photography (traditional, or analog--whichever you prefer), and I will continue to promulgate information about technical issues via my website as well as participation in various forums, including these. I am also going to continue to explore my interest in historical processes, and <a href=http://unblinkingeye.com>Unblinking Eye</a> will continue to present ever more information about them. I think I can do more for the photographic community in these ways than by moderating Photo.Net forums.

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Ed wrote:

I feel we used to have some truly informative discussions about technical issues here, but these are quite rare now. Instead, we have people asking very basic questions (and nitpicking about whether analog is a useful term). True, basic questions need to be answered, and there are plenty of people who don't mind answering them, but I don't have time (or patience) to wade through them anymore. I have a low tolerance for insignificant controversies, name calling, and incivility.


Sadly Ed,I agree with you,not to mention the lack of vision in the art of photography that the elves display in the PoW.I just simply follow your steps,and by the way I bookmarked yor website.



And to all Photo.Net dwellers sayonara,adios,avianto,abayo,bye.<div>0048Pi-10426684.jpg.d512eafa93b2788db854aefb064c22c9.jpg</div>

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<i>You are your obnoxiousness caused Ed to step down as moderator. I hope you are happy now. You clown, go get a life and stop ruining it for everyone else.</i><p>


I just received this on my e mail from an anonymous source. So for you who sent this.<p>

1 I did not cause Ed to resign, he did so for the statements above.<p>

2 Have some balls and put your name to the message.<p>


This is typical of photo.net, I dont mind so much the comment and the insults as the little back bone the sender had to send me this without attaching his name to it. You have anything to say to me, please put your name behind it, otherwise, shut up!

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Jorge old buddy; I got several emails too. Several were very childish; must all insulting in nature; none with names. One had a nasty virus as an attachment; which my virus filter caught each time it was sent to me. One chastized me for working last friday doing a rush printing job for an attorney; and had alot of swearing; but no name. Like you said no balls.<BR><BR>So dont take the bait from these goofballs. They want to stir the pot but not be accountable for their comments. <BR><BR>I was tempted to post their email message on the thread last week; but it was just a mess of insults and swear words; designed to egg one on. And not anything but a troublemakers brew.<BR><BR>
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Flanigan, you are correct. And BTW I owe you an apology which I beleive should also be public, as I insulted you in public. Please forgive my hotheadedness. If the explanation is any consolation, I just had enough of seeing the thread turned into a joke.

In any case, again I apologize and hope you dont hold it against me in the future.


BTW, I dont mind the e mail, as insults go this one is pretty wimpy and obviously from someone with no balls. I mean, to take the trouble to send it anonymous, and not even one cuss word....how pathetic!

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<i> please put your name behind it, otherwise, shut up!<p>



No, you shut up.


If you knew how to be a man you would not be causing trouble that makes good

people like Ed drop away.


¡Estupido! Tu madre.</i><p>


Here is another one for the amusement of everybody in the forum.....lol.....some lives are just too pathetic.

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It is really childish for anyone to blame anyone else for making me quit as moderator. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time.


In Texas we have a long tradition of being polite because people who aren't polite have a tendency to wind up dead. This is a simple fact of life, so being polite has considerable survival value.

Unfortunately, the internet provides people the anonymity to be rude.


I want to thank everyone for all the nice comments about my tenure as moderator, and Jorge and Kelly for being mutually forgiving. These forums are only as good as we all make them. Most of the time the moderator doesn't really do that much, because most of the time it isn't necessary.


I think the hardest thing for all of us to learn is that there are no facial expressions or subtle mannerisms to read in text. Therefore, tone is everything. We have to very carefully listen to the tone of our posts because we can't see the little smile that says someone is kidding or the shrug that says "I'm not sure either," and we tend to think someone is being sarcastic or deliberately obtuse. All of us have different points of view and different experiences that make us what we are, and we all have something useful to contribute (as well as things we need to learn).


The beauty of the internet is that it can bring people with similar interests together who otherwise might never find each other. It masks differences in culture and ideology and allows people to exchange information and ideas in a neutral atmosphere. I feel I have become part of a community of like-minded people whom I can rely on for advice, information, and support. If I were to meet any one of you in person, I'm sure we would sit down like old friends and be deep in conversation about photography in short order.


<Beginning of off-topic rant>


Forgive me if I wax philosophical for a moment. I think this forum proves that people can set aside their differences and exchange information and ideas for the mutual benefit of everyone. It is sad that, with such a medium as the internet available to us, there is still so much hatred and divisiveness in the world.


I, personally, have a problem with most of the major religions in the world because so many of their followers seem to think intolerance is a part of their religious heritage. This is true of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and probably others. Sometimes I think religion is the elephant in the room that everyone pretends isn't there for fear of causing a stampede. I hope this doesn't offend the many moderate religious people who believe in tolerance and forgiveness, because they may be our only hope for the future. But only if they speak out and make their convictions heard over the voices of intolerance, hatred, and divisiveness.


<End of off-topic rant>

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Sorry to see you are going, Ed. I do enjoy your site, and find the technical info valuable.


I, too, am a moderate Christian, and your comments are right on the money.


BTW, nice reference to Heinlein; a truly great author. There is at least one website devoted to him (which I somehow managed to delete from my bookmark file).

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