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Follow up of Patrick's give away.


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<p >Some, like I, were too late for Patrick's give away, end of 2011. </p>

<p >I would suggest to relaunch it, to celebrate the New Year, 2012.</p>

<p >As we are a world community you can choose among local events, holidays, memorials, celebrations of the 2012 that give a message to the World, or invent your own. If it is related to photography, so much the better.</p>

<p >I will give a two years free membership to the most creative and argued proposal for celebrating the new year - uploaded before the end of January. </p>

<p > Others are surely most welcome to join.</p>

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<p>Well, I for one could certainly use a free subscription. I'm poor. I'm so broke I can't pay attention. In fact, it is probably because I haven't been paying attention that I am having difficulty understanding what is being asked for here. Could someone please clarify so that I may have a reasonble chance at putting PN on the table? The children are photographically and culturally starved.</p>
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<p>no bill I AM poorer than you believe it.<br>

not to share my problem as my wife after her second stroke<br>

( never a smoker or exposed toit)<br>

and now 8 of her brothers and sisters, those that a biut better off thna us are coming to paint paper and clean up our home as we are getting too old to fix paint paper and other things.<br>

Now all I have to worry about is if I have to pay that huge 3 week hospitalization.<br>

( send the checks to your favorite local charity- not to us)<br>

may be a food bank.</p>

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<p>For the past few years, Patrick Lavoie has, very generously, given away a some number of PN subscriptions at the end of the year. Frequently other members, anonymously or not, join in and donate a few more subscriptions. Here was the 2011 version from a few weeks ago:</p>

<p><a href="photo.net/digital-darkroom-forum/00Zhlk">photo.net/digital-darkroom-forum/00Zhlk</a></p>

<p>Anders wanted to join in and donate, but was a bit late to do so. So I suggested that he come up with his own contest/game/etc for a similar giveaway. If I am understanding him correctly, he is pointing out that this time of year (January or thereabouts) is full of various "new year" celebrations. He is encouraging people to post about (via photos or words) their version of that "new year" celebration. If you don't celebrate anything in particular, you are free to make up a holiday and talk about it.</p>

<p>It's just fun and games and a way to allow Anders to give a few subscriptions away to his fellow users.</p>

<p>Anders, please correct me if I have misunderstood anything.</p>

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<p>Thanks for that, Josh. That's really nice of Patrick and other doners.</p>

<p>Maybe something like this should be more prominently placed so more folks will know about it and participate, on both sides. </p>

<p>On a somewhat related note, I don't recall seeing a membership drive since about 2003 when Brian Mottershead was around. If Patrick's gesture was intended to be along those lines, why not start a formal membership drive? </p>

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<p>Anders, 2012 is young, and I haven't shoot anything this year that would fit this theme. I've actually been too busy designing a net-zero house. However, I just wanted to commend you on this cool idea and to express my own wishes for a more peaceful 2012. We are indeed a world community -- through photography and otherwise. Well done, my friend! :-)</p>
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