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Another Local Photographer is Copying Me


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<p><em>"Thank you all for the overwhelming response to my photography business. Bookings continue to come in as faster than I ever imagined. In fact, it's so good that there are even local photographers doing their best to copy my style and techniques! Please don't be fooled by their inferior imitations. Looking forward to meeting your needs as a professional photographer".</em><br>

I would not post this one myself...</p>

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<p>In fact, it's so good that there are even local photographers doing their best to copy my style and techniques! Please don't be fooled by their inferior imitations. Looking forward to meeting your needs as a professional photographer.</p>


<p>I agree with Harry, it would be bad to post something like this. being negative will just make the OP look bad/petty.<br>

Block this person, ignore them and get on with your business. Nothing they have done is in any way illegal - it isn't copyright infringement or invasion of privacy to try and copy someone's style. Duplicating their images and passing them off as your own would be infringement but working "in the style of" isn't.</p>

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<p>I just want you all to know that if any of you post amazing photos, it may inspire me. I may say to myself "that looks amazing, I wonder if I could make an image in that style", and I'm going to try to do it. Be flattered. When it comes down to it, we all want to learn every technique and how to achieve aspects of the style of others, and when we've mastered (or not) them, we hope our own style will emerge from the different elements. You kinda have to play a lot of cover songs on the guitar before you're capable of writing your own songs... but even Eric Clapton does Robert Johnson cover tunes. Is it a rip off or a tribute? Could be either one.</p>

<p>Most importantly "Chase your dreams, not your competition!" (quote stolen from Zig Ziggler... get over it Zig, you inspire me.)</p>

<p>P.S. I really wanna steal "meet so and so"... I think it sounds great, like the naration of every romantic comedy trailer... When I hear it, I even hear it in romantic comedy trailer guy's voice. Also makes me think of every dating website ad on tv. I honestly do think it sounds great though, but before condemming someone who sounds like you were friendly with (who honestly sounds like an uncreative dolt, so I really do understand your frustration), consider that we were all at least somewhat influenced by others. Just imagine if Ansel Adams got pissed at every one who copy cated his unique style. Be proud that your work is worthy of cheap imitations!</p>

<p>P.P.S. As I was reading this, I discovered that I might not have used the best spelling, but I'm trying not to rip off my spelings from the dicktunairy ;-)</p>

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<p>Another thought, the direct "borrowing" of the meet so n so theme does seem a bit much. Maybe instead of being passive agressive, or aggressive even, you could be matter of fact. Send them a email kindly saying something like:<br>

"Dear X... I noticed you've been using my meet so-n-so... I'm very pleased you like how it sounds... I am trying to establish a "brand" and wanted to do something unique and different... If you would please refrain from using that in the future I would be thankfull..."</p>

<p>Feel free to copy that style if you like, unless it's no good...</p>

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<p>Hi everyone,<br>

Thank you all for the great advice. My greatest concern in regards to the mimicry is that we are in close proximity and it could be confusing to potential clients. Eventually, I am sure it will pass. I hope at least. I do not know why I bothered to noticed the I zig - you zig behavior. I suppose it is because of the situation leading up to this. Yes, I am aware that the Meet so-n-so is not the most original idea. It is my brand though. It goes with the project at hand as well. Maybe I will change my approach to something more unique in terms of writing. It would be a good creative exercise anyway. I am rolling out several new non- family projects and I need to focus my efforts on them.</p>

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<p>Bonnie,<br />If you take a look at the Media industry, they all mimic each other. CBS says "Hey look at what NBC is doing let's try that". Then ABC might say "Hey look at what CBS and NBC are doing lets try that" . The same thing can be said for Canon and Nikon and a whole lot of other industries. Basically, we human beings copy each other. Somebody comes up with a great idea, or style and everybody wants to mimic it. <br />Allot of photographers start off by mimicking a famous photographer's style. In your case it might seem harmless, but there is another aspect to it that makes you feel a little uncomfortable. I had somebody mimic one of my pictures that I posted on this website and this guy won a prize and a bunch of money. I didn't find out about it until I saw the picture in a magazine. I didn't let it bother me and was more shocked and flatered than anything. However, I got to admit I felt a little uncomfortable. If this was a personal aquaintance I might feel even more uncomfortable...</p>
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<p>Photography is an extremely competitive business, some people are honorable and others less so - you have no control over the way others act.</p>

<p>The general consensus here is right, ignore what your competition are doing and just concentrate on being the best that you can be and giving your clients more than they expected. Success in this business is about creativity, consistency, client service, personality and professionalism - how much of that can someone really copy?</p>

<p>Getting angry and uptight is only distracting you from your work, you need to block them from your page, ignore whatever they are doing and move on. </p>

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<p>The truly fantastic thing about copycats is how amazingly easy it is to stay ahead of a competitor who insists on following you.<br>

If you have a style that can be easily copied, refine your style, vary your technique, get good at different things. Don't post technical details about how anything was accomplished- that would be like Nabisco posting the recipe for fig newtons online for their fans.</p>


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