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Totally disappointed in KEH, question about B&H

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<p>They sent my camera to the wrong address! When I emailed them about they wanted to compensate me with a lousy 10$ credit. The shipping alone on my order was 50$. I feel insulted. I feel like I don't want to do business with them anymore and it sucks because I've been ordering from them for a long time. Has anyone had any problems ordering from BH? </p>
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<p>Okay, I'll give BH a try. I've heard about Adorama's issues also so I don't bother with anything but film and new items from them, I won't go near their used stuff. I did receive the camera because it came to my house, not the address it was meant to go to. I ordered it overnight. Were they good about sorting out your problems, Marc?</p>
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<p>I think people should start posting reports about the flawless transactions they have with companies.<br>

<br />All we ever hear about are the very few problems compared to the thousands of sales which go ahead with no problems at all and we take them as reasons not to do business with a good company.</p>

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<p> "I did receive the camera because it came to my house, not the address it was meant to go to."</p>


<p>Which address is on the shipping label, your house or the other address?</p>

<p>Many times either the FedEx, UPS or whatever delivery driver themselves will "cut some corners" to get through their route more efficiently. Especially if you are a "known & frequent customer."</p>

<p>I'd be happy to have gotten both my "goods," and the $10 credit.</p>

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<p>I just have to say that I've ordered maybe 6-8 items from KEH and never had a problem. B&H, Adorama likewise. I do all my ordering over the net, so have never had to talk with the phone reps. </p>

<p>What I like about KEH is their random selection of items and occasional great deals in the as-is bin. What I would like is better pictures of each item. If they could find a way to show you exactly what you're getting, that would be great, but I realize it would require a significant change in their workflow and they do seem to handle an awful lot of equipment.</p>

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<p>I have had nothing but exemplary service from both B&H and KEH.<br>

A thousand "Atta-Boys," (and Gals) to both.</p>

<p>Adorama is mostly dead to me, as they no longer have any acceptable level of customer service,<br /> ...as in, none!<br>

I was so very pleased when the Adorama link here on P-Net was replaced with the retailer links we have today.</p>

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<p>Recently, I order some sports tickets and they were sent to a wrong address. If you wonder why, the reason was that when I created an on-line account with them last year when I ordered tickets for the first time, I typed in the wrong address into their system. (I picked up the tickets at will call instead of having them mail the tickets, so the error wasn't disconvered last year.) That is, I typed my own address wrong, even though I consider myself a very careful person.</p>

<p>KEH has an excellent reputation; when they made this one mistake and you dismiss them immediately, you certainly have the right to do so, but you will be the one who will miss their typically good service. Just like anybody else, B&H, Adorama, etc. can all make mistakes. They are all run by human beings and none of us is perfect.</p>

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<p>Some credit card companies only allow vendors to ship to the cardholder's billing address. Many online shopping cart systems allow you to enter a separate shipping address as part of your user profile, but may also have a checkbox in the checkout routine (often defaulted to checked) that says "ship to same address as billing address" or something similar. This could easily be a case of KEH doing what the were supposed to, rather than what you think you told them to.</p>
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<p>I love KEH. My only quibble is if I buy a small part or accessory, I still pay the $9.95 in shipping, but not a big deal. B&H and FreeStyle Photo have been superb. Adorama will never get my business again. They never even bothered to respond to my requests for help on three transactions. I can't run my business on that kind of service.</p>
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<p>I've never had a problem with any of the aforementioned photo suppliers.</p>

<p>It is a pain to pay shipping for small items, I agree, but that's the way of the world anymore.</p>

<p>I would like to complain about my letter carrier, who sometimes delivers my mail to the same house number but on another street. If nothing else it has helped me get to know the neighbors, but my magazines often show up late and pre-read.</p>

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<p>I have twice had KEH send items which were NOT as described. First was a right-angle finder for Mamiya 645 Pro. The winder was, in fact, for RZ67. I sent it back and included photos of the correct item. It took months to get my refund. Second was a Paramender for Mamiya TLR. Two items were listed on their site. I ordered and was invoiced for item 'A' and received item 'B'. They did take care of this one VERY promptly.</p>
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<p>Mistakes happen. If they sort it out, and the merchandise arrives and in as advertised condition, then I don't rule them out, like <em>forever.</em> I mean to say I am not myself <em>perfecto</em> either. Well close but not perfect, so check with my spouse:-). PN has a vendor page last time I checked. I would play by the statistical averages on that list and give a rating where it will count. Although venting and sharing sure enough is alright , hopefully after one has<strong> talked</strong> to a customer service rep. B and H fine (bought a refurb high end camera from them not long ago). KEH does pretty good on few items I got from them. Adorama has not failed me. Shipping errors are endemic nowadays and must bother the companies as well, as they take the heat on what is not always their doing,( and the bill likely,) in the end. My general thoughts on the overall topic of where to buy by mail, anyway. gs</p>
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<p>I have no problems with equipment bought from Keh. To the contrary I have been greatly suprised by the quality of the merchandise when rated bargain. In 25 years of doing business with B+H, i had one problem with film and B+H sent the replacement film which I recieved the next day. Adoroma I will never do business with again. I bought a new Nikkor lens from Adorama and was told by Adorama to have the problem corrected by Nikkon. I was so mad I drove to Adorama from Reading, Pa to NYC and went into their busy store with many potential customers, and only after raising my voice to the level that all the customers knew Adorama wouldn't make good on a clearly defective lens, (front element) that Adorama excahnged the lens. I will never do bsuiness with Adorama again. </p>
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<p>Leslie / Marc / Michael</p>

<p>Firstly please accept my apologies for past failures by Adorama Customer Service staff to serve you appropriately.</p>

<p>Although I'd very much like to address the issues raised by each of you, I can't ID your transactions from your postings. If you would like to email me directly: <a href="mailto:Helen@adorama.com">Helen@adorama.com</a>, with relevant order numbers, I will look into your specific complaints.</p>

<p>It is true that many complaints were well justified in the past; as recently as 2005 our feedback at resellerratings.com was a miserable 3.75 / 10. Today, however, due to our determination plus Management commitment to change and improvement, it is now 9.61 / 10<br>

Helen Oster<br>

Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador</p>

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<p>It is true that many complaints were well justified in the past; as recently as 2005 our feedback at resellerratings.com was a miserable 3.75 / 10. Today, however, due to our determination plus Management commitment to change and improvement, it is now 9.61 / 10</p>


<p>Good to know.</p>

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<p>Jim, the shipping label was my house, not the correct address. They acknowledged themselves they sent it without checking the address. Which is hugely comforting, obviously.</p>

<p>William, Matt, my shipping instructions were very clear. It was their mistake, not mine, they said it themselves. They even explained how it happened. </p>

<p>Gerry, I don't want to rule them out. But before this I had never dealt with their customer service woman.</p>

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<p>Awww, that's okay. Most of us know you just like to shoot your mouth off to make yourself feel important. Like that time you completely derailed a good thread by arguing with Justin for days over where to put the punctuation when using quotation marks. That thread was ultimately closed by Josh with the comment "My goodness, what a stupid thread this turned into. Door closed". In another you accuse someone of having an "...insulated, privileged point of view" and at one point you actually wrote, "FACT: You're not the center of the universe...", which strikes me as particularly hypocritical after stumbling upon your little KEH rant. Or maybe you recall that time over in Off-Topic when you told Lacey Hughes that she would never amount to anything because she vented a little after a tough day at work. I believe your exact (and <em>only</em>) words were, "That attitude is what makes you the employee and not the boss. I don't mean specifically at the position you're in now, I mean your whole life." Remember that? I do.</p>

<p>So maybe, just maybe, you should spend a little less time spouting off, insulting people, whining, complaining, and slandering the imperfect world everyone but you lives in and a little more time figuring out what you're gonna buy with your ten bucks.</p>

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<p>i have never had any issues with any them, i do like b&h because many times they will ship out same day, i live about 2 hours north of atlanta (where keh is located) and many times if i order something from keh and b&h on the same say, they usually will arrive on the same day even though B&h is in new york, i think all 3 are great companies, but i really like keh's customer service. </p>
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