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Pre-processing for B+W conversion

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<p>I'm using Lightroom 3 as my main processing software with Silver EFex Pro 2 for black and white conversion. I can't seem to obtain rich images in my black and white conversion that I would have expected from SEFx2.<br>

The raw files from LR3 are exported to Silver Efex with no pre-processing performed on them. Is it better to do any lightroom processing on the colour raw image first (contrast/clarity/saturation) or even convert to B+W prior to export to Silver Efex in order to obtain a better end-result?</p>

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<p>I can't seem to obtain rich images in my black and white conversion</p>


<p>Starting with a well exposed image is still important.<br>

Subject matter is important.<br>

Contrast and dynamic range is important.</p>

<p>No plug-in is a miracle worker.</p>

<p>To answer your question; no, the NIK plug-in is a all in one workflow solution; there is no need to pre-process.</p>

<p>Still, using U-Point technology, you still (should) dodge & burn..just like the 'ol days. :)</p>

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<p>Is it better to do any lightroom processing on the colour raw image first (contrast/clarity/saturation) or even convert to B+W prior to export to Silver Efex in order to obtain a better end-result?</p>


<p>Give it a go! -- some first-hand testing is always good. Can't see how making some exposure-related adjustments in raw development could hurt (even if one can do them just as well later in the workflow.)<br>

<br />Don't have SEP, so can't answer your question specifically, but have read somewhere that getting white balance right before conversion usually helps.</p>

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<p>In terms of an absolutely brilliant video on B&W conversions first in Photoshop, then in Lightroom, check out George Jardine’s new sampler at:<br /><br /><a href="http://mulita.com/blog/?p=1244" target="_blank">http://mulita.com/blog/?p=1244</a></p>

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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<p>Andrew, GJ's video is useful, especially on the theory side. However, I'm surprised that he doesn't show using the TAT, which is much more intuitive for most users. It's a lot easier than fiddling with individual colors for most users.</p>

<p>I do use Silver Efex sometimes, the U-point technology is terrific. Adobe should license it, it would make LR and PS a whole lot easier to use. Although added grain is much better in LR than it used to be, it's still not as flexible as Silver Efex. </p>

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