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It's a good thing to have more than one camera

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<p>A week ago today we had a tornado go through our neighborhood. I loaded a roll of film in my trusty Pentax<br>

MX only to find it was jammed. I quickly reloaded the film into my recently aquirred Olympus OM-1n and<br>

proceeded to document the aftermath. No serious damage at my house but one person was killed when<br>

their car was hit by a tree.</p>

<p>This was what my street looked like. That is my neighbor's car with the tree laying on it. There wasn't a<br>

scratch on it.</p><div>00Yo6Z-363909584.jpg.4d2fbf59501403eb63e6fca5b485e8bf.jpg</div>

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<p>There is a contractor doing some bridge painting and they had this semi tank trailer parked on<br>

the bridge at the top of the photo. It was blown onto the westbound lane of I94. Luckily I94 had<br>

been shut down all weekend for repair work so there was no traffic at the time. How lucky can<br>

you get!</p><div>00Yo6g-363917584.jpg.38c397ac28d7c604639de7b69e7f0667.jpg</div>

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<p>The funnel cloud must have made a direct hit. There isn't a single nest left and most of the trees<br>

are gone. The surviving Herons just circled the island for hours like they were looking and<br>


<p>The tornado damaged a large number of homes in mostly poor neighborhoods. We were with-<br>

out power for three days so there was no TV or internet and only cell phones. We didn't find<br>

out about Joplin until Monday and realized how much worse it could have been.</p>

<p>The one bright moment was that since there was no TV, internt, video games,etc., people<br>

were out every night with their families walking through the neigborhoods meeting their<br>

other neighbors. There were hardly crime incidents.</p><div>00Yo6r-363923584.jpg.c593c98ccb50fe3d5e4db490d0c3a123.jpg</div>

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<p>As I was listening in the dark on my battery radio, they were reporting "debris fall" in places not directly hit by tornados. I found that creepy.</p>

<p>I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired of all this.</p>

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<p>I remember after Hurricane Hugo people actually got out of their houses and talked to each other. Also, since there was no power you had to cook everything in your freezer within a day or two. I never had so much grilled venison! Good memories of bad times.</p>
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<p>Thanks everone for your concern and good wishes. We were very lucky. Nothing near as bad<br>

as Joplin.</p>

<p>One amusing ancedote. On Monday morning one of the local radio stations announced the city<br>

was setting up an exclusion zone and any residents leaving the area would need ID to get<br>

back in and the location of the checkpoints was posted on the radio stations website. Needless<br>

to say there was no internet access in the area.</p>

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<p>Tornadoes scare the hell out of me, and I used to be a meteorologist in the south and midwest.<br>

Unless you have a storm cellar, there isn't a lot you can do, except try to get to an interior room with no windows. I would put my family in a bathtub and put a mattress on top of them and then sit on the mattress.<br>

In the days of broadcast TV with CRT picture tubes, you could make a crude tornado detector by tuning to channel 13, assuming it was not a regular channel and turn down the brightness to where the screen just went black. If a tornado came within range there would be white flashes, and if the screen turned solid white, a tornado was very near.</p>

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<p>Mike & mike: very cool. I'm sure it has something to do with electricity (caused by friction of the air) or ionization. Am I close? Too bad that destruction is involved, but it's a very interesting use of technology (and no doubt a science lesson).</p>

<p>Cameras like the Nikonos would be useful in these environments, I'll bet.</p>

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