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Ideal Leica M Body

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<p> What would be your Ideal M configuration?<br>

For me it would be the dimmensions of the classic M3, 2, 4 etc. with lower deck height. It would also contain AP auto exposure and manual exposure with dual matched needle metering exactly like a Nikon FE. The shutter feel would be in the M2 M3 character. It would have the canted rewind crank. Eliminate the lens frame preview lever and retain the film loading style of the later bodies. The viewfinder would only show the frame of the lens being used and the magnification would be selectable 58, 72, 91.<br>

Oh, and could I have a choice between film and FF Digital bodies?<br>

What do you think (without getting beyond plausible reality)?</p>

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<p>I'd take my M4, add diopter correction in the eyepiece, crank up the shutter speed to about 1/8000 and have it do either film or digital (a la the "Silicon Film" concept - but in reality, not fiction).</p>
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<p>I'd like an M7 with a 0.85 finder and a <em>much</em> lower price. Since, however, I am in India and cannot get all I want, not just because I am chronically close to broke, I am content with the M3 I found two years ago. The M3 I found in 1985 kept me happy for seventeen years: so there may well be something in that particular model.</p>

<p>I do not mean to smash dreams with realism, of course; but I shall spend time on this sort of thing only if Leica become aware of my existence and consult me.</p>

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<p>I'm glad that a couple of voices ahead of mine touted the M6. I've had three M3s and finally wearied of wasting so many shots because of no built-in light meter other than the optional add-on. M6 with its amazingly accurate, prompt spot meter solved that problem, and I had the rangefiner MP-adapted to make its frames almost as bright as those unbeatable ones on the M3. </p>
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+1 for the M5. I can really wrap my hands around that camera, it is easier to keep still and level and I like having the

self-timer. I reckon it looks great. I have the ZM 50 C Sonnar on it, with the substantial hood, and it's a very balanced

combination in look and feel.

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<p>The best body for me, is the M3. Every other viewfinder is lousy, getting worser and worser with "progress". All the in-efficient lens frames.The M2 could be adjusted for 28mm. In the M3 add a lens in the viewfinder, to work like the goggles!Metering a plus a-la-M6, but maybe a system like Pentax MX with green diodes and orange and red. That way shutter speed showing, metering way more accurate than Nikons Fe or even the top pro film boxes(F2,F3} etc.<br>

A add on back for digital. The back does come off. Might be thicker, but not impossible.If Leica doesn'nt make a less expensive body, the Nex or similar look ideal esp with an adapter the reverse of a Tele-extender{C}.That way making full frame images without magnification..the 35mm is a 35mm. The 50mm a 50mm not 75mm.</p>

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<p>The best body for me, is the M3. Every other viewfinder is lousy, getting worser and worser with "progress". All the in-efficient lens frames.The M2 could be adjusted for 28mm. In the M3 add a lens in the viewfinder, to work like the goggles!Metering a plus a-la-M6, but maybe a system like Pentax MX with green diodes and orange and red. That way shutter speed showing, metering way more accurate than Nikons Fe or even the top pro film boxes(F2,F3} etc.<br>

A add on back for digital. The back does come off. Might be thicker, but not impossible.If Leica doesn'nt make a less expensive body, the Nex or similar look ideal esp with an adapter the reverse of a Tele-extender{C}.That way making full frame images without magnification..the 35mm is a 35mm. The 50mm a 50mm not 75mm.</p>

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