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Worried about my newly purchased nikon D90


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<p>Hi, ok so I have just invested lots of money and hope into getting me a nikon d90,<br>

however I've been stricken with a couple of misfortunes......I took my new camera equipment to a forest, it started pouring, heavy tropical rain so I put my camera away into a waterproof bag, but because I forgot to close the inner compartment and because I held the bag on one shoulder so it was at an angle, lots of rain got inside, and my camera may have been subject to about 20 minutes of direct rain. should I be WORRIED......., its fine now, but the thought that I may have damaged it in some unforseeable or long term way is still gnawing at me. give me your INPUT</p>

<p>also another "tragedy" was that I was unware that a camera sensor can be damaged if you shoot the sun when it is too high up in the sky, did i read right, because the problem is I also was photographing the sun setting down for about an hour, I dont know, I'm just really worried for this bundle of equipment.</p>

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<p>Mmm, the "shooting the sun"won't hurt if it was not a long time exposure , i'd say.<br>

For the "Water" misahpp part : Water tends sometimes to creep into things slowly causing damage later on. for that reason I think, i'd Nikon have the camera checked , if thay say its OK then you've got no worries and they will not mak you pay otherwise they will give you a free quote on repair costs ( so just send it in and ask for a repair estimate..)....<br>

If you payed by credit card you may also be insured freely for half a youear or so for these kind of accidents....</p>

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<p>Don`t know how much moisture/water is inside the camera, and if the circuitry has been soaked. I guess only you and/or the technician will know the level of damage.<br /> If it helps, I remember my D700 failed one time under a long session outdoors, under a soft rain (although most of the time under an umbrella), more than one year ago. There were small drops of water along the whole camera&lens (both with that rubber seals)... making the camera fooled. After getting it dried at home, I never experienced it again.</p>
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<p>I'd do the service thing. I'd also keep the camera in a sealed bag with some silica gel packets for a while. That might draw the moisture out.</p>

<p>That said, I got more rain than I was comfortable with on my D50 four and a half years ago. I dried it off as quick as I could, and it still works perfectly today.</p>

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<p>Don't fix whats not broken..if Nikon gets hold of it..they will charge you . I had a D80 sitting in a puddle of water inside a supposed water proof bag in my camera..no harm..worked for another 2 years until I hit the shutter button with a wet hand and puff..went the circuitry..immediately. GOod advice about the gel..any left over water should get absorbed.</p>
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