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Uncle Charlie. Pogo sticks and monkeys.

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<p>Another great slice-of-life...Thanks, <strong>Gene</strong>. That camera really is a design classic, embodying all the worst features of it's era, with the grid/co-ordinates, the orbit symbol, and the same sort of "Aero" styling that was adopted by the auto manufacturers; give it wings and it might fly. I assume the checkered panel above the lens is an imitation hi-tech photocell...It must have been an awkward thing to hold and use.</p>
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<p>Gene, At highway speeds? The way I hear it The cops in pursuit would wait for the kids to hit 98 mph, the fins would take over and lift up the rear - end, bringing the speed down to 92 or so then catch-up and collect autographs. But the cars . .. ... they looked real good.</p>
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<p>Most fun I've had since the last post, maybe even more than the last post.</p>

<p>Really great.</p>

<p>At certain speeds on a curve, the old swing-axle versions of the VW bug would jack up and take over the steering of the car from the front wheels. Ralph wasn't wrong about everything, just about running for president.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>The whirling atoms and spacey stuff couldn't be further the reality of that camera, and you are right about public pools, you wouldn't swim in your toilet would you?<br>

I just procured one of those cameras, though mine is a more sickly green than your, alas no treasures inside!</p>

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<p>Are you sure that's Uncle Charlie himself, not Uncle Charlie with his hot new girlfriend? Under the shirt the strap of certain women's apparel is showing.</p>

<p>Ah, I see you are talking about another person. Those two must be Uncle Charlie's son and his hot new girlfriend, then.</p>

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<p>Irvine, here in New Jersey we had not one, but two safari parks. One was Jungle Habitat, in the northern, hilly part of the state, the other is still in operation down south (Great Adventure) where its very flat. These photos could be there. I was thru both of them, and I can recall the various monkeys jumping on all the cars, sometimes pulling off the windshield wipers and tearing off the vinyl coverings to car roofs that used to be prevalent in the 70s and 80s. Lots of drivers were very unhappy after driving through.</p>
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