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speed increase of xtol


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I've checked the archives, but I can't find any definitive answer to

xtol increasing the speed of film. So, does anyone know how much xtol

increases film speed when using a 1:1 dilution?? Kodak's website says

it's a "slight" increase, which is vague. I have "The Film Developing

Cookbook", and it doesn't say how much xtol increases film speed at a

1:1 dilution. I normally develop all my film formats in id-11 1:1,

but I'd like to try xtol since Anchell and Troop like it.


Thanks for the help.

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Hi Floren.

In my experience, the speed gains are not enough to justify altering your E.I., but enough to notice an improvement in shadow detail. Sorry I can't give you the hard numbers you've asked for. It's a great developer, and similar enough to D76/ID11 to maintain your current printing practices. Good luck.-jdf

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I think it depends somewhat on the film being used. I noticed the speed increase when using XTOL with Delta 100 film. But the best way is to test it yourself. Just remember that we are probably talking about 1/2 stop at most. That means for a 100 speed film, the EI would be about 150.
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I use Xtol 1:1 with Tmax 400 (4x5) and my EI turned out to be 640 at normal development. I was so surprised at this speed increase, I re-did the testing twice and both times the speed was 640. I than did speed testing for Tmax 100 (4x5) and the speed increase was not there. My EI on Tmax 100 is 80. Don't ask me to explain why Tmax 400 showed a great increase and Tmax 100 behaved as I would expect. My negatives are beautiful and Tmax 400 is now too fast, have to use ND filters to slow it down (running water, etc.). I like Xtol, results are fine, I have never experienced Xtol failure and like the friendlier to septic system aspect.
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