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Discrepancy in rating numbers and averages


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<p>Not a biggie in that I'm not caught up in the 'rating game', beyond general curiosity and enjoyment of putting up work to be looked at by others.</p>

<p>However on a couple of my images I've noticed that the data for both number of raters and rating average is inconsistent between the 'Details' tab when looking at one of my images, and then the 'Ratings Breakdown' sub-page which gives the further detail on actual raters.</p>

<p>Its not consistently the case (in numerous images the numbers match) but on a few of my pictures the number of raters on the 'Details' tab is less than when you drill down deeper, and the rating average is higher - almost as if the lowest couple of raters on the 'Ratings Breakdown' page are ommitted from the calculation higher up in the 'Details' summary.</p>

<p>Again I don't know what causes this, and it is not consistently occurring across all my images - just a few of them - a few examples:<br>






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<p>Thanks and no dramas Josh. As you know, this is not the kind of thing i get hung up on. I just noticed while playing around with your other (excellent) changes to ratings and critiques, and thought I'd mention it so that it gets slotted in somewhere in your undoubtedly long list of tasks.</p>
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<p>Just to make sure you have the complete picture for when you do get to this, the inconsistency also extends to the summary of ratings given and received linked from the member public page.... I think (depends on which of the pages is 'right' and which is not calculating properly)</p>
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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>I noticed the same on my ratings for certain photos. Where the bug is present, the number of ratings shown in overview is lower than the one shown in detailed view. Sometimes the difference is corrected after one or two days. I have photos where the difference persists since more than two weeks allready. I noticed this bug once the new single rating system was introduced.</p>
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