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Which has better IQ? SX20 or SX30?


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<p>Both of these cameras are getting decent reviews lately. However, the SX30IS, due to it's enormous 35X zoom, seems to be well in the spotlight; while the SX20IS is starting to drift into the sunset. I have the SX20, but have been bitten by that tremendous 35X zoom. I've been tempted by some of those fine image samples. My question: aside from the zoom, how do these cameras stack up/compare?</p>
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<p>"seems to be well in the spotlight"</p>

<p>Well, that might be because big numbers and big zooms are attractive to the general consumer. If you're a photographer of animals in the wild, you can use a big long zoom, but then, you would probably use a larger camera than this. For all other situations, almost all anyway, those big zooms aren't of much use, because the apertures are too small at the long end of the zoom to make it useful for the things you would most want to photograph with a long telephoto zoom. Even if you end up with a scene that you can photograph with it, you have to zoom through all the atmospheric haze and junk which end up making the pictures virtually useless. Photography almost always benefits greatly from the photographer being close to the subject. People who are just buying a camera often don't know this yet.</p>

<p>The long end of the 35x megazooms usually ends up never being used, just like the big telephoto zooms on DSLRs. Seriously, who really uses a 840mm (35mm equivalent) focal length, or even the 500m or so on the SX20.</p>

<p>If it was me, I wouldn't make a decision based on the zoom.</p>

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<p>I traded up from the 20X SX10 to the SX30 earlier this month, think its great! It's my secondary camera, after my DSLR but I use it most of the time. The one thing that I'm not overly fond of is the camera is powered by a rechargeable battery rather than four 4 AAs as in the SX10 and SX20. I did get two extra batteries on eBay for it, so I should be fine. I'm not one to fuss over IQ on my photos, if I can capture what I want then I'm happy.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>You said that "It's my secondary camera, after my DSLR but I use it most of the time." I just found that interesting. So, then, wouldn't the SX30 really be your main camera, and the DSLR the secondary one? I understand what you're saying, however. Nevertheless, I tend to sometimes think the same way. The DSLR gets the "big important" jobs, and the SX?? becomes the true workhorse; getting everything else, and the greater percentage of all shots taken. I like my SX20, as I liked my couple of FZ30s before it. And I use mine, or certainly could use my SX20, for 80% or more of everything I shoot. But try youth hockey just once, and you'll quickly know the SX can't even come close. Right?<br>

But that's not the issue here. Is the SX20 worth giving up for the SX30? (I wouldn't keep both.) I can get one (SX30) for a good discount. But is it even worth changing to it?<br>

Thanks to both of you for your comments.<br>


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<p>The Panny FZ30/50 is a nice camera, but I've since settled in a bit with the SX20IS. <br>

It's my walkaround camera, but also a great nature/wildlife outdoor camera as well. So bascially I shoot most everything with it except my grandkids sporting events. Even those are very possible in outdoor daylight. That extra long zoom of the SX30 would be a nice feature to have. I've seen some impressive shots with it, but they are mostly smaller objects shot relatively close(birds etc.). Not sure just how the SX30 would do at long zoom of objects well in the distance, however.</p>

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<p>Rob you got that right! The SX 20 gets more use than my DSLR because I do most of my shooting on my way to work so the SX 20 and or the SP 560 will stay in the trunk of the car while I am at work. The DSLR Sony A200 is my choice for shooting "expeditions". I am happy to get what I get and regardless of the camera I get many favorable comments; my galleries are on Pbase.</p>
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<p>Rob. B. where do you get that sort of comment? Maybe I don't simply take someone's advice and run to a local store and buy. I spend lots of time gathering info. I'm sure your file of my "poster's history" will also tell you that.<br>

Hernan. My non SLRs also seem to get more business than the others. That's why I have had frequent posts hinting at the thought of retiring the DSLR gear altogether in favor of the more managable/lighter, and quite decent in IQ, non-DSLR gear. I'm very close to actually doing this. But I have grandkids in youth hockey, and so far at least, the non-DSLRs can't deal with that. Most everything else, they can come pretty close.<br>

I happen to be on the info search of the Olympus Pen E-PL1.</p>

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