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Selenium Toning for Pyro developed Negatives


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<p>I use it all the time. I use Wd2D+ and it works well to give a +1 stop boost with a little control on the grain. Ymmv with other pyros.</p>


<p><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5122/5205622728_b72bd5fc5f_d.jpg" alt="" /></p>


<p><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4127/5205026415_fa3fd847bc_d.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="319" /></p>

<p>Scanned by vuescan into a jpg, optimized for the "before" scan. No touch ups. With the amount of dynamic range that pyros have, the selenium tone gives it a bit more depth.</p>

<p>I use 1:3 for about 5 mins. I get about 30 rolls per liter. It is unforgiving of bad fixing and not enough<br>


<p>The camera was an OM10 with a 50/1.8. Film was KB400. EI200</p>

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<p>The difference can be subtle, but I subjectively think it gives it better edges.</p>

<p>I now add it as part of my normal neg development work flow. When I calibrate my development times (Grey card and densitometer) I include this as part of the process. You just have to make sure the film is properly fixed and washed else the leftover silver will create "spots" you can't get rid of. Like everything else, good work flow gives good results.</p>

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<p>Based on my experience Se does not improve contrast of negatives developed in pyros, at least not in the pyro I am using and Kodak Se. The stain constitutes a surface coating on the negative and blocks diffusion of Se solution so you do not see any difference caused by toning.</p>
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<p>My evidence concludes otherwise. It is exactly the same effect on non-pyro as with pyro. As for the stain, it is not a blanket. It is a stain inversely proportional to the silver; that's how staining developers work.</p>

<p>"<a title="Selenium" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selenium">Selenium</a> toning is a popular archival toning process, converting metallic silver to <a title="Silver selenide" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_selenide">silver selenide</a>." (wikipedia) You would have to create an unbelievable chemical barrier for this not to work. It may be slower due to the pyro, but the 5 minutes I baste works fine for all developers I use.</p>

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