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cutting out background


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<p>I want to cut this little girl out, or cut out the background, but it is hard (for me) because of her hair, can anyone help me out please. How Do I crop her so it looks natural? Not sure how to put the picture up at this moment.</p><div>00XiSY-304057584.jpg.e408c264ad74904009d2b23d60470063.jpg</div>
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<p>You're in luck. Adobe came out with some neat new tools when they introduced CS5, one of which was pretty much for this exact problem, cutting out a complicated object with hair, fur, or fuzz.<br>

I'll link to a more detailed description (a really good video of how to use the technique) but the bassic run down it this.<br>

Use the pen tool or the lasso tool or quick select tool to get a pretty good cut out of the girl, then use the "refine edge" button to grab any hairs that got left out. Of course you should check out the video to get a better idea of how to use all of the refine edge options.<br>

Here's the video, it gets to selecting hair at about 1 min in. <a href="

Hope that helps, let us know how it goes :)<br>

Kat Landreth</p>

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