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Multiple uploads in a single post


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<p>Is this even possible or is PN specifically avoiding multiple image upload in a forum thread to limit size/space issues? Just curious as I was recently attempting to show example images of backgrounds and had to do multiple consecutive posts instead of just one. Thank you. <br>

(I did do a search on this but only found reference to multiple images in galleries)</p>

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<p>I have found this rather bothersome at times, also. There have been times, when critiquing a portrait, that I have wanted to show two ways to make the image "better" -- or at least different looking. It is not a big deal. I can go back and critique it again to add another example, but there are times when it would be convenient to show more than one example in the same place.</p>

<p>I do understand why P.net might not want someone loading a bunch of photographs at the same time, though.</p>

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<p>The issue is more that the forums don't exist for "look at all these photos I have taken!" posts. While some amount of that in a specific discussion is fine and you will see it from time to time, the point of the forums is more to be a question/answer/discussion type place. And the fact of the matter is that many people, frequently new users but not always, simply can't help themselves when it comes to a chance to cram as many photos as possible in front of other user's faces. I think we can all agree that "self editing" is not a strong suit of a lot of photographers. The temptation to fall into the "if one is good then 10 must be better" trap is just far too strong.</p>

<p>So the site doesn't have a multiple upload system for the forums or comments, but in general we also do not stop people from making multiple posts with photos when that is necessary for the discussion at hand. I do realize that there are specific situations (a thread about backgrounds for example) where it might come in handy, but I think that fact is outweighed by the potential annoyances of the issues I mention above.</p>

<p>I will think about it a bit though, as it is one of those aspects of that site that I haven't considered in a while and I don't like to get into the "we are doing it this way because we always did it that way" reasoning.</p>

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<p>Josh, agreed on the 'self editing issue. I am by no means a web guru however would there be a way to limit the total upload to a post (i.e. the 700Kb) regardless off the number of attachments? Sort of a "you have reached your maximum allotted size".</p>

<p>I'm not sure this freedom would be required in every topic. Personally I would keep this sort of thing away from the No-Words style forums. Thanks for looking into it.</p>

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